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  You take back on what you said about the headaches

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You take back on what you said about the headaches. They were very painful, so painful that you had to take medicine for it. You couldn't read nor could you look out the window, the sun will hurt you too much.

The doctors said that you weren't allowed to have visitors other than your parents. That was a week ago. It's been one whole week since you've seen any of your teammates.

Don't get yourself wrong, you loved your parents. You were happy that they were there for you, most of the time. But they can be a bit much but at the same time absent from your life. You've never understood them.

Whenever you tried to remember your friends in the past year your head will slowly build up before feeling like it exploded. Your parents said that you didn't need to remember the past year, saying that whatever you did in the past year was irrelevant to your life.

You didn't listen to them. You kept trying to remember no matter what your parents said. You had friends before what had happened, and you were going to remember. You just had too, for your teammates, for your friends, and for yourself.

Your headaches were getting more and more painful as you continued to try to remember.

You hissed in pain as you held your head. You really hated being alone in your hospital room.

"Come on Hinata! Daichi-san said he will get us all ramen!!" Y/n yelled for the taller male.

"I know right?!! Captain is so amazing!!" Hinata cheered as he jumped up an down.

"Eh? Y/n!! Hinata!! Over here!!" A certain libero shouted for the two first years.

Nishinoya with the rest of the second years and first years come up to the two. The third years trailing behind them with a smile.

"Noya-san!!" Both Hinata and Y/n greeted.

Y/n opened up his arms like usual. Nishinoya ran full speed at the younger. He jump into Y/n's arms and they both hugged it out.

Daichi chuckled, "Alright, lets get going, we don't want to be late."

"Hai!!" The team answered.

Karasuno's volleyball team walked down the sidewalk. Chatting, laughing, and generally having an amazing time together. Nothing can separate them, they were like a family.

Y/n happily went from person to person. He talked cheerfully as he conversed with everyone in his team. He felt at home. No parents to nag him all the time to study, no aunts to tell him how to dress, and no uncles to tell him how to treat a girl. He didn't even want to get with a girl in the first place.

Y/n loved his team, with all of his heart. He promised himself that he will protect them and help them when they needed it. But there is this one person that he loves and adores. He hoped that one day he will confess to them.

Karasuno chatted happily with one another as they waited for the light to turn red so that the cars will stop and let them walk.

The ramen restaurant was right on the other side of the street. Everyone was excited to cross the street. They couldn't wait to get their food. Free food that is.

Hinata, Nishinoya, and Y/n were practically bouncing in place.

The light turned red and cars and trucks were going to a stop. Hinata was getting impatient and dashed for the other side of the sidewalk. Everyone's eyes slightly widened as their smile dropped slightly.

"Hinata wait!!" Sugawara warned.

Hinata paused his running and turned around to look at his friends running after him. A honk caught his attention. The short male turned to his side and his eyes widened.

Sugawara and Daichi went to reach for Hinata's safety. Hinata stood frozen, not knowing on what to do. Then there was a force that pushed Hinata out of the way.

(H/c) hair dashed through Sugawara and Daichi and pushed Hinata out of the way. Wide (e/c) eyes met large hazel ones. Everyone's eyes widened even more when they say Y/n run, almost at the speed of light, to push Hinata out of the way.

Hinata reached his hand out to Y/n as his back just hit the road.


You gasped at the memory. At the memory? You remembered.... YOU REMEMEBERED!!

You remembered everything! All the practices, the meat bun runs, the camp, the games, everything! You remembered everything! And it felt weird to remember, but you were happy none the less.

You remembered all of your friends, your teammates, your coaches, and the schools you went against. You remembered Suga, Noya, Kageyama and everyone else, you especially remembered Hinata. You remembered all of your friends, even the ones you made in the training camp.

You remembered who you loved. Their looks, their smile, you remembered the person you loved the most.

You looked down at your hands in disbelief. You smiled as you felt small tears running down your cheeks. You were so happy, so happy that you finally remembered who were and who your friends were. You couldn't explain how happy you felt.


You looked up. You smiled warmly at the person at the door. The person being the one you love the most. And no one can change that now, because you remembered them and everyone else.

 And no one can change that now, because you remembered them and everyone else

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now