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"-unfortunately, L/n has seemed to lost his memories of the past year

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"-unfortunately, L/n has seemed to lost his memories of the past year. And because the temporal lobe is severally damaged, he is unable to pin point the friends he had made during the past year," the doctor stated while flipping trough his clipboard.

You sat with your hands together in front of yourself as you stared at them. The doctor there had already told your parents what had happened but now they're explaining it again to a blonde adult with a headband. Along side the blonde was a shorter male with messy hair, also an adult. But its not like it mattered, you didn't even know who they were in the first place.

"Temporal lobe?" The tall blonde questioned.

The doctor sighed, "The part of the brain that allows L/n to identify people's faces."

The blonde's breathe hitched as the other male stiffen, from what you could tell. The taller sighed as he rubbed his forehead, tears already threading to fall. The other male kept composure and rubbed the other's back in a comforting way.

"Is there a way for this to be healed and are his memories forever lost?" The shorter brunette questioned.

The doctor just stared, and you knew why. Your parents weren't concern about your memories of this past year, saying that your well being was more important than what had happened before.

"I don't want to give you false hope, but there is a possibility that young L/n can regain his memory and that his temporal lobe can be healed with time. Again this is a possibility, we're not sure if he can regain his memory so soon after the accident," the doctor stated with sympathetic eyes.

You picked at the skins on your fingertips. They were talking like you weren't even there. You didn't understand most of the stuff they were saying, but you did pick up on a few things; You were in an accident, one that seemed to have hit your head, your parents were more concern about you than whatever you did in school, you had a lot of friends before the accident, and that you have fallen for one of those friends.

If only you could see their faces, if only you could heal that part of the brain, if only you could comfort the ones that call you their friends. You really do wish you could remember them and see them.

"Um... excuse me?" You called out to the adults.

The three adults turned to look at you.

"Yes, L/n?" The doctor questioned, "Is there something you need?"

You started to pick at your fingers again, a habit you seemed to have developed since you were younger.

"I was wondering if I could have a day with each of the these 'friends'."

The adults looked at one another. The doctor trying to comprehend what you mean while the other two looked at each other than at you in wonder.

"Explain for us please."

"Well, since these people are claiming that they are my friends, than maybe spending a day with them will help me remember them? And it also pass time on the healing process. Of course this is just a suggestion," you said rather quickly and reverting your eyes away from them.

"I don't see why not," the doctor stated softly.

You and the other adults looked at them in what seemed like joy. The doctor had a small smile on their face.

"I understand the feeling of having a love one forgotten about you, so if both sides are determined to get your memories back, I don't see why not. Just stay in the time limit of visiting hours and please do only a small group at a time."

You smiled a really small smile and nodded. The other two adults had tears in their eyes, from what you can guess, and they bowed 90 degrees as their thank you.

Maybe your lover was one of these people. You can't wait to get to know these 'friends' of yours. You wonder what you did to deserve them. They are so determined to make you remember them, and you want to at least try to give them the satisfaction oof returning the same amount of determination.

 They are so determined to make you remember them, and you want to at least try to give them the satisfaction oof returning the same amount of determination

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now