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  Today was a rather bored day for you

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Today was a rather bored day for you. Sure, looking out the window and humming songs you remembered would entertain you, but it gets coring after a while of doing it.

The door opened and a pain looking male came in. Nothing about him really makes him stick out. His hair was smooth looking and his height and body were average to everyone in Japan. The male wore his black uniform as if he had just gotten out of school. He was carrying a small bag but you thought nothing of it.

"Hello, were you one of the people that wad there when I was waking up?" You asked politely.

"Uh, yeah I was one of them," the taller said as he placed the bag down on the bedside table that had a vase and a few 'get well' cards.

"Tell me about yourself," you said in a soft voice as you smiled to him.

The other male rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous manner, "Well, I play volleyball in Karasuno and I'm a second year." He said, giving a very short answer.

"Really?" You said in a calm voice and a smile, matching the others persona, "What's your position?"

"Ah... I'm just a wing spiker, but I'm always on the benches, but I'm fine with it," the older male said bashfully.

You hummed in acknowledgment. This person seemed to not really be a talker. From the way he was talking and the body movement, you guessed that his male was always in the background and not really one for attention.

That was okay with you, since you had a 'special' talent. You could adjust your persona to match other around you. So, if the person you were really loud and outgoing, you become loud and happy, but if someone were shy, you were quiet and understanding. Just a little quirk you developed when in middle school.

"Tell me about yourself. Your friends before have too, and I think this is one way to help me remember everyone," you said with a small and soft smile.

The older male was hesitant. He was probably a bit scared to talk to you. Maybe before the accident, you and him didn't talk much to each other. You made yourself a promise to spend more time with him if your memories returned.

"Well, I don't really have much to say about me, but I guess, um, I'm going to be the next captain on Karasuno's volleyball team, I really like books and that me and you sometimes go to a small book store nearby to read stories together. That's why I brought you this," the taller male reached for the bag he came with and put it on your lap.

You slightly surprised by this. You haven't gotten a gift in a while. Not even the other males from before gave you a gift, not that you were complaining about it. But your own parents didn't give you anything, not for birthdays or holidays, the only time you do get gifts is on Christmas Day, but even then the gifts were small and cheap.

"Oh, wow! Thank you!" You said happily, as you held onto your new gift in your lap.

The other male rubbed the back of his head in a shy manner as he looked to the side.

Your reached into your bag and pulled out a hard cover copy of (f/b). Your face clearly showed stars in your eyes.

"I remembered that (f/b) was your favorite book of all times," the older started.

The second year sweatdropped as he looked from side to side. It has only been 30 seconds and he had already lost the short (h/c)-ette in the rather large book store. The taller just sighed but smiled, knowing that Y/n was having a ball with all the different books. Sure he was dragged here by the younger male but that doesn't bother him too much.

" █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ -San! They still have (f/b) here! It wasn't sold off yet!" Y/n said, like he popped out of no where.

The taller male, already used to Y/n popping up here and there without warning, looked at the shorter a bit confused.

"Haven't you read that book at least a thousand times?" The older asked jokingly as he grabbed a random nursing book from off the shelf.

Y/n shrugged, still having a smile on his face, "Hmm, maybe more than a thousands times, but what can I say? I really like the (happy/mysterious/angsty) ending to this book. Its really unique, and I wonder if the author and publisher will make a sequel to the book," he said as he sat across from the table the older sat at.

The otter male was confused by a certain question in his head, "Then why don't you just buy the book since you love it so much?"

Y/n sighed, "I don't have the money to buy this book, and my parents don't have enough time for me to talk to them about getting me this," he said but still had a smile on his face as he opened the book, "But I am saving up for it, and I have the patience to wait for the right time."

The older male didn't say anything, he only smiled. He liked that Y/n was so patient with anything and everyone.

"I wanted to get you the book sooner, but couldn't the time to. So, I just brought the book to you now," the older male said, now a bit more confident than when he walked in the room.

You stared at the book in awe and appreciation.

You hugged the book to your chest with a smile on your face, "Thank you so much."

"Its not a problem, what are friends for?" The taller male said with a chuckle.

"Excuse me?" The nurse called out, opening your hospital room door, "Visiting hours are over."

"Hai, thank you," the second year said as he grab the now empty bag and walked to the door.

"Please come again soon," you called out to the older male.

The taller nodded and left with the nurse bowing and then following behind him.

You smiled and looked back down at the hard covered book. Since you had nothing else to do that day, you opened the book and started reading.

 Since you had nothing else to do that day, you opened the book and started reading

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