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  Reading is something you found calming to you

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Reading is something you found calming to you. Unfortunately, the hospital only had kid books, so you just resorted to looking out the window and watching the clouds shift and move. The occasional plane flying in the blue ocean in the sky.

You heard the door open, you turned to it and it was one of the males from the under day. He was average height with short dark brown hair. He wore a plain white shirt with school black pants. Th standing male carefully closed the door, making sure not to disturb the quietness in the room.

"Hello, are you one of the people who were there when I woke up?" You asked, cocking your head to the side.

The other male just stood there, probably examining your stated at the moment. Maybe tears are building up in his eyes, but you couldn't tell, his face was scribbled out like the other day.

The brunette wiped his face with his forearm, as if cleaning his face. The male walked up to you and sat down in the seat next to your bed.

"I'm █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎, yes, I was one of the people here when you have woken," the male said, his voice was like an adults, it seemed like he was very matured.

You blinked in confusion, for some reason when he said his name it was deformed. You didn't understand what he said.

You gave a small smile, "I'm sorry but I can't make out your name."

You heard the male's breathe hitched but then he let out a sigh. You didn't really liked that. Did you already disappoint the first person that visited you?

"Well, why don't you tell me about yourself, maybe that will trigger my memory," you suggested, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Ah, well... I'm the captain of a volleyball team named Karasuno. I'm a defense specialist. I'm also a third-year there," the male stated, his voice almost breaking as he had to reintroduce himself.

You had stars in your eyes the minute he said volleyball team. You have always loved volleyball, something about it always enhances you. You especially loved the Libero's and Setter's, you always thought that them working in the background was fascinating.

"Whoa! A volleyball team! I'm friends with people on a volleyball team??" You asked excitedly with a big smile on your face.

"Of course you are, you're in a volleyball club after all."

"I was!? That's amazing!"

The other male seemed to have deflated a bit. He seemed to have forgotten that you didn't remember what had happened the past year. He just wanted things back to normal, seeing you on court, seeing that same bright smile when you received a powerful spike.

Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now