Gannedir the Healer

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The healer they send to me called Gannedir. One of the shorter elves, his eyes are a light grey and his hair is a smooth honeysuckle. Silently, he gets me to turn on my stomach, before whispering to me.
"This is going to hurt. Goheno nin."
"What does that mean?" I ask as his hands grip the arrow and I wince.
"It means I'm sorry. Brace yourself. "

I close my eyes, and with nothing else to hold for comfort I grip the grass in front of me.
"Aaaaah!" A moan emerges from my throat.

I can't stop the tears from rolling down. "Is it out?" I ask him desperately
"Not yet halfway." He replies
"Are you kidding me? Just yank it out!" I reply, banging my head on the floor in sheer anguish.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." I reply impatiently "Of course I'm sure, I'm the one who's injured."
"Ok." He replies sighing heavily. "On three. One. Two. Three!"
At first I don't feel anything, and then as the air hits the gaping whole and my flesh folds over, I let loose and scream, frightening several birds in the process.
Once I'm done, I turn to Gannedir.
"What was that for?!" I cried, more tears streaming.
"You told me to do it!" He replies obstinately, as I seem him take some herbs out of a small pouch and rubs them over the wound. I wince even more.
"I didn't know it would feel like that."
"What did you think would happen?" He rolls his eyes at me "Besides, the worst is over now."
"Easy for you to say." I mutter
"I heard that." He responded, wrapping more bandage around my legs. He tied the cord tightly before prompting me to roll around and helping me sit up.
"Can you stand?"
I throw him a raised eyebrow.
"If I could don't you think I would've run away by now?"
"Just a question. I'll have to carry you then."

Even though I've read thousands of stories about girls being carried by their middle earth fiancés, I still can't help but feel a bit excited when Gannedir wraps his arms around me, bridal style. He doesn't even struggle as he picks my body off the ground and I know that his arms are strong.

He carries me toward the elves milling around. Upon noticing this, Aredhrel scowls and walks up to us.
"Gannedir, do not have pity on this prisoner and carry her. She is not worthy of such chivalry."
"She cannot walk. I was taking her to my horse."
As if I way nothing, Aredhrel takes me from his arms.
"She will ride with me. I want to personally see her death through."
I gulp. Death. No one said anything about death. Now I wish those orcs had just finished me off when they had the chance.

Without hearing Gannedir's protests, she turns away just like that, and sits me roughly on a Grey steed.
"Oww." I whine
"Be quiet." She commands fiercely, swinging herself up behind me "Or I shall murder you myself."

At that I shut up, and instead close my eyes, wishing to be back in my room at home. At this rate, even hearing Ashley (my roommate who is both a flirt and narcissist) moan on about Brian seems better than this. In all my dreams, Hope's, desires...I've always wanted to be able to go to middle earth, but now that I'm here...I hate it.

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