It Will Be Worth It

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After the meeting ends, I walk back toward the library and set about trying to continue Penlinelon, though it proves more than difficult.

I tap my foot restlessly, trying to get my head round the fact that the fellowship have asked me to join them on their quest.

To Mordor.

I have no idea what I've gotten myself into, have I?

I can't help but shake with excitement.
"You like it then?" A soft voice asks me. I look up from the page I was reading to see Legolas pulling up a chair in front of me. He's referencing to the golden book.
"I do," I finally say recovering. My cheeks are on fire.

"But that's not why I'm smiling."
"Why are you smiling then?"

I shrugged

"Just excited to go on an adventure with the fellowship."
He shakes his head at me, laughing.
"We are going into the very fires of Mordor, and you are excited?"
"What can I say?" I grin "How could I not be with such great people?"

Legolas nods, but then his eyes flicker.
"Its more than that." He realises. I sigh, creating a dog ear on the page absentmindedly. Harthedir will kill me.

"You cannot tell me?...its something to do with your meetings with Aragorn, Elrond and Gandalf?"
I nod.
"I wish I could." I add quickly
"I understand." He sighs before smiling. "Tell me how you find the book."

I sit there, reiterating my opinions, telling Legolas that I love Penlinelon, the main character, though his mother grates on my nerves since she is so overprotective.

"Its not that I don't understand her..." I begin

"Its just that you wish she wasn't so...restrictive?"

"Exactly." I nod. "The child needs to be free. He needs to live, roam mountains, see the trees, not be cooped up in his house all day. A relationship like that will not last long."

"You sound like you know more about this lifestyle than you let on."

I grimace.

"My dad was overprotective. My mum was there to reign him in. He wouldn't even let me go out with my brother after sunset, and the guy was six years older than me."

Legolas nods.

"If she hadn't been day..I would've snapped. That's what usually happens. You'll see. Penlinelon will be all right while he is an elfling, but eventually he will tire of the pressure he faces. He'll snap, and say something both him and his mum will never forget. They will always love each other, but their relationship will be forever strained."

Legolas pauses for a while.

"You seem to have a lot of wisdom and knowledge for someone your age."

I gulp.

"I grew up fast."

A silence falls. My fingers twitch. I can't bare this much longer.

I look up to find Frodo by the door.
"Gandalf says he needs to ask you something."
"Sorry." I whisper apologetically to Legolas and stand. He shrugs.
"I'll see you later."

I reach Frodo at the door, and look back and wave slightly. Legolas merely smiles, and then we leave. When we're halfway down the corridor though, I hear shouts
"Raina! Raina!"
I turn around to find Legolas rushing up to us. He holds out my book with a smile.
"You left this."

As I take it from him, our hands brush and I feel it again, a spark. I met his blue eyes, watching them flicker, and feel myself getting pulled in to his spell.

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