I Could've Eaten That

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I woke up groaning early on. That seems to be becoming a regular habit. I turned to the only clock beside my bed and squinted at the time. 7:30. I groaned again. It was too early to be up on a day like this, a day where everywhere you go you will be stared at, and gossiped about, and hated by the general public.

I try and force myself back to sleep, but with no avail. I'm groaning loudly when Beririel enters the room an hour later to help me get dressed.
"My lady?!" She cried softly, rushing to me.
"Its Raina," I correct moving my head from out of the pillow "I'm not a lady where I'm from. And my wound really hurts." I pout slightly

I put on my spare glasses as she moves to the foot of the bed. Gently, she turns me on my side and unpeeled the bandage. She's silent. "What's wrong?" I say after a while "Has the infections spread?!"
She looks up to me and smiles
"It's healed. My lady its healing."
I breathe a sigh of relief.
"Things are always usually worse on the second day then the first."

She redresses it as quickly as last night, and then helps me out of bed. I apply all the weight on my left leg as she helps me remove my nightgown and replaced it with a green off the shoulder dress with white ruffles round the top edge and silver patterns trailing down to the floor. She re-braids my hair, weaving in shiny green strands of ribbon, and finishes off by handing me some shoes.

"It's okay." I hold out my hand and retrieve my black trainers. Beririel peers at me, obviously disagreeing with the combination of a dress and trainers, but I don't mind. I'd prefer them any day.

As I slip them on, a knock sounds at the door. I look up as Arwen reappears in the door frame.
"Good morning." She says, as I shove my foot inside. My hands reach for the laces and begin tying them up gently. She stands in front of me as I finish, and I rise up to her level, though she is about an inch taller than me, even though I'm 5"9.

Bewildering me, Arwen draws me in a light embrace. "Did you sleep well?"
I shrug.

"Better than nothing."

She smiles comfortingly at me.

"Le fael Beririel, you are dismissed."
As the door closes behind Beririel, Arwen turns to me.
"I've come to take you to the dining hall. Breakfast is being served."
I nod, tapping my hand on my thigh.

"The Dining Hall...." I trail off.

Where I insulted one of the most skilled archers known to man. Where everyone that suspects me of murder is now gathering. Arwen wants me there. I breathe heavily.

She notices my change in demeanour.
"Do not fear Raina. No one will attack you, if they do, they will risk my father's and Gandalf's wrath, and trust me, no one wants to do that."

I nod. That still doesn't mean they'll trust me though. Or that they'll respect me.

Arwen offers me her arm, and, with no choice, I take it. We leave the room and travel a long corridor, then we take a right, and go up the same stairs Aredhrel carried me up yesterday. It's not long before we are standing outside and I'm clenching my dress anxiously, the long white sleeves brushing against my knuckles. Arwen sees me fussing "You will be fine." Arwen smiles "I will walk you to the table where you can get some food. You do not have to stay, just eat your food and be gone."

I feel my eagerness grow slightly "You have buffets here too?" I ask
"What's a buff...?"

I break the word down, sounding it out.

"Buff. And then fay. It's like this big selection of food, and then you can choose your own from it."
"Well..." She tilts her head to the side, pondering "yes we do too."
She smiles at me fondly "Are you ready?"
I shrug.
"As I'll ever be."

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