More Than Friends

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"So Raina," Pippin began from beside me "Tell us something about yourself."

Above me on Bill sat Merry, with my hand on the pony's reins to guide him carefully. Now that I was on the mend, I no longer needed to ride him anymore, and to be honest, although my muscles had soon grown used to the strength and stamina required to ride him, I was glad to be off Bill, Gal swinging past my side. Not that I didn't occasionally mount the stag when I felt like it.

"Pip, my life is not that interesting. Believe me, whatever you're thinking, divide it by ten and subtract four."

Pippin looks puzzled, before beginning to do the calculations with help from his fingers.

"Dived by ten..." he trails off

"Oh come on Raina." Merry replies "There must be something. What do you like to do for fun then?" He says, leaning forward on his hands as Bill clumped through the woods, sunlight spilling through the trees.

I scratched my head.

"Uhh...I watch a lot of tv."

"What's tv?"

"Its a bunch of moving pictures. It tells a story. If we have say...a collection of these moving pictures, they make up a story or a tv show."

"Is there a particular favourite of yours?" Boromir asks from the other side of Merry.

The Steward of Gondor had been unlike how most would've presumed. He was not in fact arrogant and orthodox, but unprejudiced and quite loving. I can see that he wanted to look after me, maybe because I was a woman, but hopefully he knew I could hold my own ground too. At least, soon he will. Boromir had often asked me to recite the plots of novels and poems, but anyone who knows me knows I'm terrible at explanations of things. Still, his chivalry was well maintained.

"I quite like the Simpsons." I replied "Its about this family of these yellow people. The dad is Homer, the mum Marge, the eldest daughter Lisa, the eldest kid is called Bart, which I presume is Bartholomew and the baby is called Maggie. It's not my favourite though. "

"What is?" Pippin asked me

"Spongebob." I felt my cheeks rush up "Its mainly children who watch it, but, in my personal opinion, I think that it can be applied to both adults and children. "

"Spongebob..." Pippin ponders "What its about?"

"A sponge who lives under the sea in a pineapple with his friends and associates."

"A sponge? Under the sea?"

I shrugged.

"We're very...imaginative where I come from."

He nodded, I look up to Merry, who watches me with his keen eyes. I shrugged at him.

"I don't really do anything apart from read and draw, which you guys already know."

"Alright then." Merry replies "Tell us about your world then. All the things people have done."

My feet tread over the ground, and I scratch my head in thought.



"Well, there's a lot of things different things and ways of life in my world. And lots of stories, but I'll get to those in a moment."

They nod.

"You three already know about the methods of public transport, but there's a whole level of food and holidays you are yet to discover!"

"Food?" Pippin's head perks up "What kind of food?"

I grin at him!

"Ice Cream! Churros! Pancakes! Anything!"

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