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Frodo had not been seen all morning. Aragorn was getting concerned. The hobbit had already been in enough danger, they didn't need him to wander off.
"Where is Frodo?" Aragorn asked out loud as he sat down at the dinner table. "Don't know." Shrugged Pippin
"Haven't seen him all morning. " Merry added.
"Do you think he's alright?" Sam asked nervously, already picturing various scenarios of Frodo in trouble.

"I'm sure he's fine Sam." Aragorn reassured, though he was starting to doubt that himself "I'll go and look for him."

The Ranger stood up, and left the hall. It took the him a while to locate Frodo, but just when he was about to give up, he caught site of Frodo's curls through the door of Raina's room. Curled up on the floor on the other side of Raina's bed, was a female elleth with honey coloured blonde hair. It looked like they had both stayed with her through the night. Aragorn sighed. Frodo needed to keep his strength up, not keep up with stunts like this. Raina needed to wake up, and soon.
"Frodo?" Aragorn shook his shoulder gently. Slowly, drowsily the hobbit stirred.
"Aragorn?" He yawned questioningly
"Breakfast is being served."
"All right." He said, covering his hand with his mouth. Frodo placed his blanket onto the rocking chair and moved to leave. Aragorn followed, but stopped once again as Frodo paused by the door. He was lost in thought, gazing despondedly at Raina, who was still unconscious

"It should've been me Aragorn." Frodo whispered softly.
"It is not your fault." Aragorn said, trying to lift the hobbit's spirits "Raina knew what she was doing."
"I've been so cruel to her." He shook his head "All this time, and she was telling the truth."
Aragorn walked up to him and gripped his shoulder
"We all have. Don't worry Frodo. Av-'osto. She will wake up, and we will apologise then."
"Hmmn." The hobbit smiled softly.

Although he had been afraid of her, hesitant, Frodo now realised that he had been wrong. So wrong. She wasn't a murderer, wasn't wicked, she was a hero, kind, and her act on the ravine had proved that. He was hoping that she could wake up so he could apologise and get to know her more. After all, she had saved his life. And he would forever be in her debt.


I groan softly, drowsiness falling away by the seconds. My eyes flutter open, and I wipe away that crumbly stuff that always accumulates after a deep sleep. As best as I can, I try and raise myself up, slightly weak.

"Well, I'm glad to see you're finally awake now." A voice says. I jump before looking slightly to my left.

Gandalf. He sits there in the rocking chair across from me, his staff on the floor next to him. I look down to find myself dressed in a simple pale blue dress, with silver patterns.
"You know, you gave us all such a fright." He smiled at me
"Gandalf?" I blink, still unsure of whether this is a dream or not. He nodded. "What happened?"
"You don't remember?" He asked, perplexed.

"No...." I shake my head, trying to retrieve memories from my subconscious. All I remember is falling. Voices. Merry, Pippin's, maybe Legolas'. And then nothing more.
"All I remember is falling and voices."
"Well," he shifts uncomfortably in the chair "to cut a long story short after we rescued you from the ravine you passed out in the cave, the one we took shelter in. Aragorn carried you the rest of the way to Rivendell where Elrond was able to heal you."

'Rest of the way?' I thought "Gandalf you said, 'Rest of the way.' Who carried me before?"
Oh. The elf. I nod, feeling my heart begin to thump in my chest. 'Why is it beating so hard?' I ask myself frantically

Besides, I thought he hated me. Yes, that's probably why its thumping like that. Fear. Anxiety. 'He used to hate me, it's just fear from that,' I told myself, though I couldn't help but think that there was something more. Gandalf notices my awkward silence.
"Are you all right?"
"I'm fine." I breathe finally. "Just...never mind. How long have I been out for?"
"Since yesterday. Its October 26th. And its 9 o'clock, in case you were wondering." He shrugs "But, on to more important things, how is your wound?"

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