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Legolas was severely worried. Raina had not been herself since yesterday, and more importantly, it seemed she had barely slept a wink. Her fever seemed somehow worse, and he was afraid that her case of the 'chills' might be something much terrifying.

He walked over to the ranger, concerned.

"Look," he showed him his hand, which was full of Raina's sweat. Aragorn brought it up to his eyes and blinked in surprise. His gaze wondered to the girl who kept tossing and turning against the wall. Her hair was stuck to her forehead and her eyes were baggy. She shivered as another cold spell came upon her.
"This came from her?" He asked
"Yes. She's getting worse." Legolas informed "I fear she will not survive the journey. We need to get her to Lothlórien. She needs to rest, Aragorn. Really rest."
Aragorn looked in his friends eyes and knew there was something else.
"Its not just that, is it?"
"No." Legolas sighed "There is something troubling her. She will not tell me."

Legolas' eyes flickered sadly. Aragorn sought to comfort him.

"Legolas, you must understand that...there are some...terrible things that Raina has gone through...and it seems like she has suffered them alone..."
"What are you talking about? What things?" He asked quizzically

"I do not the particulars Legolas but..." he whispered into his friend's ear "It must have been something terrible to get those scars on her wrists. Those cuts look like they were done by a skilful hand."

Legolas blinked, anger rising at the thought of someone harming so innocent and loving. If Raina had been abused as Aragorn suggested, he would do everything in his power to make sure that she would never return to the source of her constant torment.

Aragorn's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Raina is afraid of something...of what I do not know...but I do know...that she loves you." Aragorn smiled, gripping his friend's shoulder.

Legolas smiles softly.

He nods, before turning to him

"I love her too."

Aragorn grinned, gripping his friend's shoulder tighter.
"You should tell her."
"I will. As soon as she's better."
"Good." He smiled "Avo-'osto Legolas. She will be fine."

Legolas smiled back, although Aragorn saw the concern creep back on his face as he went to meet Raina and help her sit up to eat something. He reminded him of himself. If report had ever reached him that Arwen was ill, he would not rest until he knew all was well.

Aragorn sought to help his friend, and so, decided to ask the Mithrandir for help.
"Gandalf," he called softly, and the wizard turned to him. "A word?".

Aragorn quickly related to him Legolas' concerns for Raina. The wizard sighed once he heard all.
"It is as I feared..." he paused "Raina's past seems to have finally caught up with her. Not only that but I think the burden of knowledge has taken a toll on her conscience. You know, although many people crave it, none realise what responsibility is needed with it it."
"So, what are you going to do?" Asked Aragorn
"I will talk with her. Before we leave."

And with a heave...Gandalf got up and walked over to Raina and Legolas.


Legolas returned, and with it, his persistence that I eat. Believe me I wanted to, I tried to force myself to at least have a morsel but the thought of opening my mouth for food made me feel sick. With his arrival back, more sorrow had only followed. I kept having images flash through my mind of Gandalf falling down the chasm with the balrog, of my brother's lifeless body floating down the river, bouncing over dirt-ridden waves and plastic bags, and images of me, locked alone in my room, crying and crying, again and again.

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