A Tense Moment

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"Well?" Elrond prompts "I trust you have a good reason for this."
It's at this moment Esteldir catches up with us panting. Hand on heart, he apologises.
"Goheno nin my lord." He replies approaching us. He gently places a hand on Aredhel's arm. "It was an emergency."
"Could it not wait? As you can see, I am in the middle of dinner."
"Exactly what I said my lord. This way Aredhrel. We will see him afterwards."
Elrond nods and begins to sit down.
"No!" Aredhrel cries obstinately, shrugging him off. Pushing one of the dwarves sitting beside out of the way, she drops me onto the head of the table next to Elrond.
"Oww!" I cry "Geez woman! Mind the arrow wound."
"She murdered Aldon!" She cries "She's a traitor and a spy!"

Gasps and tension fill the room. I turn around, and see Frodo, clutching the ring underneath his neck. When he sees me watching, he begins to hyperventilate. Gandalf places an arm on his shoulder to steady him and looks at me gravely.

Aragorn and Boromir look at me unsurely, whilst Legolas is practically shooting daggers at me. Gimli's face is the epitome of sheer disgust and the other faces around the room, are too horrible to write. The only person showing me any kindness is Arwen, and even then it looks more like sympathy.
"Well!" Aredhrel demands "Aren't you going to do something?"
I take his thoughtful silence as an opportunity to my defend myself.
"Don't listen to her she's delusional!" I declare. She whips round to me and grabs my shirt.
"I'll show you delusional." She murmurs darkly at me.
"Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!"
This time she slaps me, it's a miracle my glasses don't break. Always go to Specsavers, people. More gasps fill the room.
"Aredhrel!" Esteldir gasps
"Woman that is-" Elrond begins
"Make her confess!" She unsheathed her dagger "Or I'll kill her right now on this very table.
She pushes me down onto the table, and holds the blade to my throat.
"You will not do that." I sense Gandalf rising from his seat. Next from my left Aragorn does so also.
"It would send you to death."
"Err, if we're taking a vote," I quiver nervously "I'm with them."
"Please." Aragorn asks "Whatever she has done, whatever has happened. Justice will be served. But not this way."

Slowly, unsure Aredhrel removes the cold blade from my neck, where it is grabbed from her by Esteldir before she can do more harm.
"Thank you." Aragon nods to her.

Slowly, carefully, I sit upward.
"Now if you don't mind," Elrond asks straightening his dark brown robe "Would you please tell me what is going on?"
Esteldir explains what happened quickly.
"We found a party of orcs a day from here, three paces from the crooked oaks. She was there too. We shot one on arrival but her and the other two gave chase. Aldon struck one on the left and not long after the one on the right of her was dead and she was wounded."
"What happened next, I don't know. I was one of the last on the scene. But, then Aldon was dead and the last remaining orc escaped."
"Is this true?" Elrond asked Aredhrel
She nodded, eyes hollow. Elrond turned to me gravely.
"And what do you have to say about this?"
"I say its absolute bull!"
Elrond flaunts me a confused and slightly offended look, as if he doesn't know what I mean but can tell it's something rude.
"Mind your tone. What happened?"
I can feel my frustration growing slightly.
"I will not mind my tone." I mutter darkly "You have no idea the tosh I've gone through today. First, kidnapped by a band of orcs, then shot at by an imbecile of an elf, and finally accused of a crime I didn't commit. If you had gone through the same thing would you mind your tone?!"
"I would, if the judge I was brought to had the power to send me to death." He reprimands. "Calm down. Do you want some wine?"

I blink.
"I'm seventeen."
He looks at me puzzled.
"It means I'm too young to drink."
"What are you talking about?"
I move to answer.
"Never mind, we're diverging off topic. Mithrandir." He summons Gandalf "I think your assistance is needed here."

Gandalf rise quickly and moves in front of my dangling legs.
"If you will look into her left eye, and I will look into the right."
Gandalf nods before peering at me closely.
"Err, what are you doing?" I ask wearily
"Keep still." Elrond commands before leaning forward. "Did you murder Aldon?"
I look him sternly in the eye.
"And are you... a traitor or a spy."
"No." I reply again.

After a moment of silence, Elrond and Gandalf shared a look.
"Well?" Aredhrel demanded impatiently "What is your verdict?"

Gandalf turns to her, eyes sunken, and distressed.
"She's telling the truth."

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