There's nothing more lonely, than a life without love

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Some of you were probably wondering how Legolas spent his day. Well, here it is.
- Ellie


Legolas wasn't exactly flustered, by the amount of women Pendor kept introducing him too as the made their way through Lothlórien, but it didn't mean he was cruising through it.

The trio were on their way to Cadhron's home, and of course the Pendor had to weave them through the centre of Caras Galadhon. Each time he spotted a maiden he knew, he waved and hailed them over.
"Lúthriel! Come, see the prince has returned."
"Faelwen! Feast your eyes upon the handsome face of our own Mirkwood Prince!"

Legolas groaned inwardly. He could handle attention, it did not phase him, after all, he was a prince. But the prince did not want to mingle with a bunch of doting women all day.

To be honest, most Lothlórien women were completely unfazed by his appearance here, though some blushed and others were more forward, but Legolas took it all in his stride. Being the son of Thranduil, one of the most sought out elves of all Middle Earth, it was natural for him to receive this much attention. His father had told him his mother had gone through the same thing.

Cadhron frowned, muttering as Pendor continued to chat to Faelwen, completely in denial of their end goal.

When it came to beautiful maidens, Pendor would pursue them to any cost, perhaps even to the cost of his life.

"I thought we were aiming for my flet, not scouting potential marriage partners." Cadhron grumbled
Legolas chuckled, placing an arm on his shoulder.
"Have patience my friend, all is not lost. We know one thing, we are going in the right direction, and that is a start."
Cadhron sighed.
"A very small start." He looked to his friend, curious "You don't seem to be enjoying yourself as much as I thought? Even the famous beauty Lúthriel did not make you smile."

Legolas grimaced in remembrance.

Lúthriel was beautiful. If the dictionary had pictures in it her photo would be underneath the definition, her eyes were of emerald green and her hair of golden starlight. His heart caught in his chest once he saw her, as all ellons did when they gazed upon her for the first time.

"Your highness." She said softly, a slight smirk upon her face as she rose upward from her bow. Legolas could see her dimples, and they gave her a vulnerable childlike countenance, though, Legolas felt she was as sly as a serpent.
"Nice to meet you."
"He's just arrived with a company, they're going on a quest to Mordor." Pendor informed, and Legolas rolled his eyes.

Pendor had been telling everyone he met everything he knew, and Legolas wouldn't be surprised if the whole of Lothlórien knew all the names of the members of his company.

He smiled as he thought of Raina.
"Mordor?!" Lúthriel asked, noting his dream like, frozen gaze. She smirked triumphantly, thinking she had made a good impression.

A prince was just what she needed, not that her last suitor, Beriadon wasn't handsome, but he couldn't compare to Legolas. She found herself memorizing each detail of his face, his soft eyes and strong figure.

She wanted to know what it felt like to run her hands through his silken hair.

Cadhron nudged Legolas. He had been caught up in thoughts of Raina.

"Pardon? Oh." He blinked as Lúthriel smiled secretively "Yes my lady. We are on a quest, the One Ring has been found."
"So it is true..."Lúthriel breathed, looking between the three of them "The rumours are true."

If the Ring had been found then it also meant there was a mysterious woman that had been travelling with Legolas and the rest of his company. Lúthriel suddenly wanted to know everything about her.

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