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I shivered, teeth chattering. Another sneeze cracked my mouth, and I felt like I would die from hypothermia. The only good thing was that the water was clearing the blood, but more kept coming. Sam had chucked me his cloak, but being hobbit sized, it stopped by my back.

I groaned again, leg throbbing. The stone that injured me still protrudes through, and I can't bare it for much longer. I try and lean forward to remove it, but wince in agony and leave it. Sam hears me and shouts.

"You just hang on there miss. The others will be here soon."

Bang! More lighting clapped and rocks tumbled downward. I closed my eyes, wishing that this was just a nightmare. But the throbbing of my heart in my chest told me that this wasn't. From below, I heard Sam shout:
"Get back Mr Frodo! Get back!"
I shielded myself from the flying stones as best possible, laying on the ground. Once the tremors had stopped, and I could slowly rise upward, my eyes flickered toward the dam where more rocks tumble inside, making the support weaker by the second.

I hope they'll be here soon Sam. I hope so.


Upon hearing this distressing this news, Gandalf had left Rivendell as fast as possible with Aragon, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir and anyone else who wished to help. Aragorn had retrieved his sword, ready and prepared for anything. It distressed him that someone like Raina was in such a perilous situation as that. He raced though the trees, as fast as possible, Legolas by his side. Merry and Pippin explained the situation to Gandalf at the front.
"She said that she's fine, but that her head's injured and I think that there is something wrong with her leg." Merry informs, trying to keep along with the wizard's long strides
"We will get there in time won't we?" Pippin asked Gandalf, afraid. This had been his idea, and if Raina died it would be all his fault.
"Peregrin Took." Gandalf said, looking down to his right, "There is hope yet."


I screamed.


More rocks fell. The storm was getting worse and worse, I could barely see Sam and Frodo, the wind whirled, hurling drops of water painfully into my eyes, pounding against my skin. I tried to shield myself from the onslaught by using my cloak, but lifting my arms was too painful and I soon gave up.

Frustrated, tears pricked my eyes. At this rate, there was no way Gandalf and the others would make it here in time. I started to grapple with the thought...I was going to die.

"Are you all right miss?" Sam asked once the rocks had stopped falling. He was shouting as loud as he could.

"I'm fine Sam..." I breathed "I-I'm just scared."

Much to my surprise, it was Frodo who answered me, and not Sam.
"Don't be scared Raina."He replied "I'm sure the others will be here long before the dam bursts. And if it comes to it, I'm sure we'll find a way to save you. Me and Sam."

I smiled. If Frodo was one thing, it was naive. There was no way they'd have the strength to pull me up on their own. They didn't even have any rope. But I loved his heart. The fact that he would risk his life to save mine was incredible.

Not that I would let him or Sam do that. Frodo had to get the Ring to Mordor. Here." Something small hits my head.
"Sorry miss." Sam blushed "There. Have my apple. It'll keep your strength up."

My strength seemed to be fading with every drop of blood, so I accepted this apple with no problems, even though I prefer green ones to red. I ate as diligently as I could, head throbbing, leg aching until all that remained was a small stump of a core.

Bam! More lightning. More rocks into the dam.


"The others had better get here soon." Sam murmured to Frodo, who simply nodded gravely.

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