The Return of Skinner

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My heart thumped, and I was clutching at Legolas' shirt, head buried to shield my eyes from the sudden death. But, where was the water? I looked up to see Legolas gripping the rope tightly, with all his might, knuckles becoming red.

"We're safe." I breathed, as a call rang past my ears. Pippin.

I heard Legolas grunt as he tried to swing the rope forward. Soon, we came into view of the others and I could see the faces of jubilation.

"Pull us up!" Legolas shouted "I can't hold her much longer."
"Come on, put your back into it!" Gandalf shouted, encouraging them as they disappeared from view.

The group heaved and heaved, with Legolas and I rising upward in little steady jolts. Only just realising I was still clenching onto his shirt, I let go, embarrassed as he looked down at me.


He smiled faintly, shrugging, before redirecting his gaze upward. After two more tugs, we reached the top, and Legolas put me down gently. Pippin pushed through the crowd and threw himself at me.
"Ohh!" I moaned, pain shooting up my leg "Pippin that's my right side."
"Sorry." He says, releasing me from his grip "I'm just glad you're okay."
"Me too." I sighed, my heart still pounding. That doesn't show any sign of stopping soon.

My eyes picked up someone's intense gaze, and flickered upwards. Boromir. My eyebrows furrow in confusion

"What is it?" I ask him.
"You.." He began "You risked your life for someone you had only just met? Someone who practically hated you?"
I shrugged, looked behind toward Frodo and smiled at him. This time, he returned the favour.

"A candle doesn't lose anything by lighting another." I smile "I guess I" I shrugged again.

There's a silence among the group as no one speaks, despite the ongoing wind and thunder.

Bang! Clap! Crackle! Yet again more lightning struck, and if I wasn't mistaken, hail was added to the mix. I looked up, startled as more rocks began to fall down.
"We must get off this mountain!" Gandalf shouted

Legolas swiftly lifts me up again, taking the lead, struggling against the wind and rain, as well as hail. I pulled my hood down as low as possible, wishing I was back in Rivendell in my bed right now.

Gandalf followed us with the hobbits, Aragorn and the rest. The rain ran through the ground, coating everyone's shoes in mud, and I couldn't see far in front of me. Not that I was bothered. An overwhelming feeling had begun to come over me, one of tiredness even though after my near death experience, I was more alert than ever. I hoped to get to Rivendell soon, before I passed out.

Despite the noise, I heard Legolas murmur to me.

"Hold on Raina."
I was trying my best, but I felt more tired than I even thought humanly possible. My vision started to blur. I held my hand in front of my face, seeing double. I close my eyes again, but all that greeted me was the throbbing pain.

"Here!" I heard Gandalf shout, which startled me. Legolas stopped, turned around and followed the wizard inside a small cave.

"We can shelter in here."

My skin felt chilled to the bone as Legolas set me down. The others trailed inward, and Merry and Pippin came to sit beside me as the elf moved to Gandalf and Aragorn. "Don't worry Raina," Merry said, grasping my hand and Pippin took the other "We'll be back at Rivendell soon."

Across from us sat Frodo and Sam, and then double Frodo and Sam's and then triple. My head begins to sway, as Frodo and Sam share a concerned look, and then direct it to Merry and Pippin.

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