No Return

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The force from the arrow nearly causes me to lose my footing as it knocks against Boromir's shield. I breath heavily, standing right in front of the steward, gazing Lurtz right in the eye. I grin
"Hey buddy!" I say, and he looks up to me "I don't know where you got your aim, but I hope you can return it."
He growls at me and I grin.
"Oh.. please don't look at me." I whine "Your face is so ugly it hurts my eyes."
From behind me Boromir breathes heavily.
"Thank you." He whispers to me
"Your welcome." I smile, keeping my eyes locked on Lurtz, Boromir advances from behind me and charges at his foes, while Lurtz continues to stare at me
"Oh buddy come on!" I complain "Are you really that scared of me?"

Lurtz drops the bow to the ground and pulls put a dagger. I crack my neck.
"That's it!" I smile. Time to put in my training to real life. I unsheath Galad.
As I see the steward in a tight spot, I duck against an ongoing arrow, before hurling his shield toward him.

Lurtz uses that moment of vulnerability to strike, parry, pushing backward with all my might. It does no good. Instead I duck under his legs as he slams his sword down at me.
"Boromir?" I cry to him
"Yes!" He replies desperately, breaking the neck of an Uruk and kneeing another.
"If something bad happens-" I say running out of Lurtz's aim.
"Don't speak like that." He tells me
"It something bad happpens." I strike the beast on his shoulder and he screams in pain. I take that as my opportunity to rush ro the steward. I would have to make this quick. I couldnt let Lurtz take his chance and kill Boromir. He'd have to survive. Boromir hurls a dagger at another Ururk.
"Tell Legolas to be aware of the one with the flaming torch. And tell Aragorn to protect Haldir."
"Haldir? Isn't he in Lothlorien?"
"Don't argue with me just do it!" I reply frantically. I knew what I said didn't make much sense, but that was all I could do. I knew the Uruks were coming for me, and if they won, then I would be taken to Saruman, and I couldn't protect others from their fate. Even Boromir. I look around, but suddenly Lurtz is gone. I grip my sword tighter, running back up the middle of the pathway, and my eyes blink in shock as yet more Uruks heading for us.

But that proves to be my downfall, because Lurtz comes at me,and even though I dodge sharply and elbow him in the face, he still manages to graze my shoulder.
"Aagh!" I wince in pain, dropping in pain and clutching at my arm.
"Raina!" Boromir cries, slicing an Uruk down its chest and whipping round. I watch as blood drips down my arm.  But I also see something else, Lurtz taking aim again. And Boromir, right in his line of sight as he makes his way to me.
"Boromir no!" I cry, but he doesn't hear in time. He shoots him, right in the left the shoulder. Merry stops mid-throw, as Boromir begins to fall. He breathes harder. He gives another battle cry, and hurls his sword at one of the Uruks coming closer. I scramble upward ignoring the pain, trying to locate the shield. Dang it! Why did he have to drop it?

Just as Lurtz makes his way toward Boromir, I'm still on my knees scrambling for the shield. I wince aside hear the arrow connect to the Steward's stomach, and grow more afraid.

Boromir drops to his knees behind me, gasping in pain. Merry and Pippin stand stock still, rocks in hand. Where is it? Where is it? There. Underneath a fallen corpse. I heave the Uruk corpse out of the way and run back into the battle. Boromir is staring into the eyes of Merry and Pippin, who have never seen death before. He gets back up and swings at another Uruk, and I run in front of Lurtz with the shield and he misses his opponent.

But then it's all over, because the blow knocks me off my feet, and an Uruk with blazing eyes picks me up while I'm still writhing in pain, and I can't get out.
"No!No!" I scream desperately "Boromir! Merry! Pippin! Help him!"

I try and kick and scream but it's no use. In fact, it just makes things worse, because as I grope for an arrow, and launch it into the shoulder of my  attacker, he recoiled back in, growling angrily. I fell to the the floor, rolling down the slope, and was about to run back up the hill, but a hand connected with my face and I came crashing my down.

Back at the battlefield, Merry and Pippin watched angrily and terrified at the sight of their best friend being carried off, screaming. The captain was taking aim again, and Boromir was shot one more time. The steward felt to his knees, swaying and blinking. His horn lay broken in two by his side.

The two hobbits looked at him, lost for words for once, even Pippin. With a simple look, they knew what they had to do. They attack.

Crying, they lunged at the incoming Uruk-hai, but there attempt was not any better than Raina's, because they simply lifted them up screaming, running off with them. The hobbits waved their arms frantically, desperately angry at not being able to save their friends.

The troop makes their way past Boromir, who looks on helpless, everything a blur. He worried, his final thoughts not on himself but on his friends who he had failed, left them only to torment and ruin. Lurtz merely stands at him triumphantly, a single arrow on the string. Boromir stares back at his foe and swallows.

The Chieftain merely snarled in glee and pulled his bow, back ready for the kill shot.

But, much to his relief, Aragorn deflects the final shot as he crashes into Lurtz.

The two begin to fight. Aragorn loses his sword momentarily and is thrown to the ground. However, is trapped as he gets up, a two pronged shield hurled toward him, pinning him by the neck at a tree.

Lurtz moves to strike, but Aragorn ducks just in time beneath the shield. He stabs the captain in the leg and it roars in pain. Disgustingly, he pulls out the knife and licks the blood at it, before throwing it at Aragorn. The Ranger blocks it with his sword.

Aragorn closes in to the foul thing and the real battle begins. The Ranger gains the upper hand quickly and in a flurry he slices Lurtz's arm off and shoves his sword through the beasts chest. Lurtz pulls himself closer to Aragorn on the sword, showing off and snarling. Aragorn grimaces, pulls the sword out, and slices the thing's head clean off.

The Ranger stays there, panting before remembering what has happened. He rushes to Boromir
Boromir was lying pale and bloodied, breathing heavily. The Ranger kneeled near him, and with his sapping strength he grabbed his shoulder.
"They took the little ones." He breathes heavily
"Be still."

"Raina?" Aragorn pondered. She was supposed to be going with Frodo. That's what he had told Legolas when he had asked. Aragorn wondered what had changed in so little time.
"She..she bid me warn you. Should...anything happen."
Aragorn nodded
"She should protect Haldir. And tell Legolas..." he gulped, trying to swallow blood but failing "To be aware of the one with the flame."
Protect Haldir? The one with the flame? What did she mean. Boromir blinked as if remembering something.
"Frodo! Where is Frodo?"
"I let Frodo go."
Boromir smiles softly "Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him."
Aragorn sought to reassure him.
"The Ring is beyond our reach now."
Boromir shakes his head. "Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all."
Aragorn shook his head
"No, Boromir, you fought bravely! You have kept your honor." He reached out to pull the arrow from Boromir.The steward knew it was too late.
"Leave it! It is over. The world of men will fall, and all will come to darkness… and my city to ruin."
Aragorn sought to offer this dying man what little comfort he could "I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall… nor our people fail!"
"Our people?" Boromir felt his heart swell at Aragorn's changed mindset. He knew he cared about Men. He could see it now "Our people."

He smiled. He reached put for his sword and Aragorn placed the hilt in his hand and helped Boromir clasp it to his chest. Boromir looks to him, one last time, smiling
"I would have followed you my Brother…" he breathes with pride "My Captain… my King!"

Boromir lets out his final breath. Distraught, Aragon touched his hand to his forehead then to his lips in respect.
"Be at peace, son of Gondor." He bent down to kiss Boromir on the brow, tears forming.

Legolas and Gimli arrive, the elf's eyes scowering the scene for Raina,  but they haulted once they saw Boromir. He looked toward the steward sadly, feeling a slight pang of guilt they could not reach him in time.

Gimli bowed his head unashamedly and turned away.

Aragorn stood up and spoke, voice breaking and eyes shining with tears.
"They will look for his coming from the White Tower. But he will not return."

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