"Who braids your hair?"

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The sunlight peeked through my thin curtains, tickling my skin. I sighed, turning round in my bed to face it as Beririel stirred. "Morning my lady."

I merely smiled. The pain was still there, but in that moment, watching the trees and listening to the fountain, and the elves, I could be content. I could forget about everything bad that has ever happened to me.

Beririel helped me to bath, and I watched the sunlight, the heavy clouds floating through the stratosphere, making out different shapes. My wounds were repressed, Beririel dressed me swiftly, into a lilac gown that cascaded down until my ankles, with patterns of silver, and braided my hair again. She sensed my eagerness, though I tried my best to conceal it

"You seem very....happy?"
"Not just happy, excited. And nervous. I guess." I shrug unsurely
"I'm sure it will be fine my lady."
"Raina. If you take it easy, and stay off any ravines." She smiles cheekily. I laugh. Beririel finished off the braid and tied my hair up into a bun, though there are always a few rebellious strands "You shall be fine."

I nod. A knock sounds as I'm tying the laces of my trainers.

"Come in." I look upward, as Arwen walks in.
"You look lovely, Raina." She smiles
"Thank you." I reply, though I still have a small bandage on my head.
"I've come to escort you to the dining hall." She said "You may lean on me if you wish."
"Thank you." I say, though, if I'm being honest, I'm a bit too shy to.

Beririel leaves as we do, closing the door behind her with a goodbye. Arwen and I walk to the dining room and because we're walking so slowly due to my leg, I'm able to see so much more. A portrait of Isildur, his broken sword. Everything. It's all there. I feel in awe, it would be awesome enough to see the Lord of the Rings movie set, but the authenticity of this place makes it even better.

Even I couldn't help but pause when I came across a library.
"Is that what I think it is.." I begin, pointing my thumb toward the entrance

"A library?" She smiled at my ecstasy "Yes. I will take you there afterward if you like."
I smile. Books are my life. I love to devour words, stories, I love how they can move you. All the books I've ever read have their own spotify playlist, though, that is one thing I would never tell anyone.

Soon afterward, Arwen and I reach the doors. I pause. Nervous. Now that people knew the real me, what would they say? Would I be welcomed? Would they even like me? What if I ended up an outsider, just like back home?

Thankfully, Arwen managed to persuade me to at least take a step inside.
"Do not fear." She whispered soothingly "Everyone knows the truth. They believe you. They trust you."

Her blue eyes look into my deep brown ones as she says this. She seems confident, sure of the fact. I have no reason to distrust her. She saved Frodo's life after all.

I sighed and then nodded.

Arwen squeezed my hand gently. Well. Now or never.


Arwen pushed open the doors, returned and offered me her arm. I took it gratefully, and we walked inside. As I entered, no one noticed me at first, but then Pippin and Merry spotted me, Legolas and Aragorn turned, and then everyone did. The chatter quelled as more heads turned my way, chairs were scraped upward and everyone stood.

I felt my cheeks burning.

"Raina!" Merry and Pippin chorused. They ran towards me and I plummeted to the floor.
"Woah!" I said as my body hit the wooden floor. Ow! I can't move I'm so winded.

"Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck you fools!" Gandalf scolds
"Raina?" Aragorn asks concernedly,
"Are you alright?"

For a moment I don't know, there is a dull pain, and that fall didn't feel nice on my head, but then I remember the way I fell over, tackled by Merry and Pippin, and laughter escapes from my lips. Pippin and Merry get off of me as I sit up laughing, despite my hatred of my laugh. From the corner of my eye, I see Legolas grin. Slightly.
"I'm fine." I say once I've finished. "Help me up?" I ask, holding my arms out to the two hobbits.

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