One Thing Burning True

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Frodo stood upon the shore, alone, staring out into the beyond with the Ring in his palm.

Sam was running through the woods, screaming

Silently weeping, a memory flashes by Frodo's eyes, from his conversation with Raina and Gandalf in the mines.
'I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.'
'So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.'

Another flashes by him, sitting near Raina sitting by the fire, their bags at their heads, smiling at him.
'I believe in you Frodo. Even if you dont.'

Sighing determinedly, Frodo closes his hand over the Ring and places it into his pocket. He pushes a boat into the river before jumping in just as Sam emerges from the woods. The hobbit runs after him
"Frodo, no! Frodo! Mister Frodo!"

Frodo, half to himself murmers "No, Sam. " and paddles away.

Sam runs into the river, and hearing splashes, Frodo looks back.
"Go back, Sam! I'm going to Mordor alone."
"Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

He continued to wade in further.

Frodo cried desperately "You can't swim! Sam!"

Sam begin stop struggle, trying to kick further. It wss useles and he began to sink.

Sam disappeared under water. He floating further and further downward, the burn of water against his lungs. But, as the light begins to fade, Frodo's hand gropes down and grabs Sam's wrist. Sam tightens his hand around Frodo's and is hauled upward. The hobbit splutters and coughs on deck, completely soaked. He was crying, but not because his eyes stung
"I made a promise, Mister Frodo. A promise! 'Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee.' And I don't mean to! I don't mean to."
"Oh, Sam!" They throw their arms around each other, hugging tight. In truth, Frodo didnt want to do this journey alone, so, he was grateful that even to the end, Sam would always follow. "Come on."

They paddled toward the eastern shore.

Boromir was put to rest in one of the boats, his sword on his chest, his shield above is head and his split horn at his side.The boat neared the falls of Rauros and Gimli watched it disappear. Aragorn determindely places on Boromir's vambrances.

Legolas shoves another boat into the water, eager to catch up with the other three.
"Hurry! Frodo, Sam and Raina have reached the eastern shore."
But Legolas did not see her. He wondered why. Aragorn merely kept silence in response. "You mean not to follow them?"
"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands." He answers.
Gimli was despondent at this. He huffed.
"Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed."

Aragorn places his hands on his shoulders.
"Not if we hold true to each other." He braced himself, getting ready for Legolas' reaction when he revealed Raina had in fact not gone with the hobbits as he had thought, but been taken captive. "We will not abandon Merry, Pippin..." he eyed his friend warily "And Raina to torment and death. Not while we have strength left."

Legolas blinked in shock, eyes going wide. Aragorn placed his left hand on his shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

"Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let us hunt some Orc!" He declared, sheathing his sword.

Gimli started grinning.
"Yes!"  He dwarf laughed "Haha!

Aragorn led the way into the woods, closely followed by Gimli anf then Legolas whose mind was set on Raina. He had to find her, make sure she was safe, then try to make it up to her. Try to explain everything that had happened in Lorien. But for now, his goal was to find her. He promised Gandalf that he would protect her, and he meaned to keep it.

Frodo and Sam were traversing up a hill. Frodo pauses and looks across the dark plains beyond.
"Mordor. I hope the others find a safer route."
"Strider will look after them." Sam nods reassuringly.
"I don't suppose we'll ever see them again." The hobbit replies, upset. On that journey, they would all likely be killed.
"We may yet, Mister Frodo." Sam smiles "We may."

Frodo's hear was warmed by his friends optimistic outlook. He turned to him, smiling.
"Sam, I'm glad you're with me." And he was.

Frodo turned around, walking down the slope, Sam pausing a moment before following his friend. He knew that the journey ahead, would be long, tired, hard. But, buried deep inside all the fear, and all the doubt, he had one thing burning true. It was the thing he felt when he looked at everyone, even Boromir. Hope.

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