A Very Angry Aredhrel

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I gulp again, slightly suspecting myself of insanity. I need to stall them, to get more information.
"I'll tell you...if you tell me where I am."
The group huddle and whisper once more. Skinner speaks up.
"We'll be making the rule round here." He replies nasally "But to answer your question, we're about a day from Rivendell.
"What are orcs doing so close to a place they hate so much?"
They huddle and whisper again.
"That's classified." Cran replies

Biff, who clearly is miffed at having been ignored, shushes the other two and grunts at me.
"We've held up our end of the bargain, now it's time for you to do the same."
I sigh. What to do? An idea forms. This'll be amusing.
"Alright then," I begin, "lean in closer."
They follow my command.
"The Lord of the Rings..." I begin
"Yeah?" Biff prompts
"Yesssss." Skinner hisses
"Yeah?" Cran bellows
I pause, enjoying this, trying to refrain my giggles.
"A book?" I smirk.

But then a palm connects with my hands and I'm on the floor with my lip bleeding.
"Don't mess with me fleshing." Biff commands "I'm in no need for jokes. Tell us who you are and what this is or...I'll burn it!"
He holds it out over the fire.
Hurt, and extremely miffed, I shrug triumphantly.
"Fine by me. I know everything that's going to happen anyway."
Oh Shoot. What the heck have I done?!
Raina. You fool.
"So you do eh?" Biff craines his neck.
I gulp.
"You know about the One Ring."
"And the Ringbearer." Cran adds
"And what he's going to do with it." Skinner finishes.
"And you're gonna promote me to lieutenant." Biff finished
"Eh?" Skinner asks
"I mean us." Biff fumbles "You're gonna promote us. Yeah." He smiles deviously at me.

I blink, a state of panic rising in me. What to do? What to do? If the search for the Ringbearer is on, that means Frodo could be anywhere at this moment in time. I've got to protect him, especially if he hasn't reached Rivendell yet.
"What month is it?" I ask Biff
"I thought we said that we'd be doing the questioning."
"Fine. Is it the 24th October?"
They're silent and look at the each other.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Biff fumbles.
"W-We are doing the questioning missy."
"Alright." I hold up my arms in protest. "Fine by me."
"Good. Where are you from?"
I don't answer.
He grabs my shirt.
"I'll only ask you again. Where are you from?"
I remember something Gimli said to Haldir in the Fellowship of the Ring and smirk.
"Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!"
Biff's face contorted. He obviously knew the tongue of the dwarves. He slapped me again. I barely kept my balance.
"Oh. So you won't talk to us eh? Well, maybe you'll be in a talkative mood when we bring you to the White Wizard. I'm sure he'll be very interested to hear what you have to say."

My heart begins to hammer in throat as I recollect what happens to those who cross Saruman....tortured for eons. I could end up like that. I gulp.
"No,no,no,no!" I cry, as he and Skinner drag me over to the edge of the encampment where I see a pile of rope lays. They're going to bind me. Skinner shoves me down onto the floor, and I hit my chin on the floor and groan. Biff holds me down as he ties the cords tight. All the while Cran watches still cradling the book.
"I think we should keep this." He mutters, flicking through the pages "Just in case..."
"Good thinking Cran." Biff comments "you always were the smart one."
"You said I was the smart one." Skinner argues, wrenching the cord tight and standing up. Biff places the book down and joins him, standing directly behind my legs.
"Uhhh right. You're the smart one, Cran is the thoughtful one."
"But you said you were the thoughtful one." Cran corrects
"It doesn't matter what I said!" He snaps "I'm thoughtful. He's smart..and your....obtuse. There. Is everyone happy?"
Cran, who obviously doesn't know the meaning of the word obtuse, smiles (if that's what you'd call it) and snaps closed the book.
"Good. No 'elp me get her up."

Before I even have time to think, two large arms pull me from the ground. Cran behind and Biff in front. I know that wherever they're going next, is not a place any man should visit, and away from the haven of safety, Rivendell. So, I have to act. Think, think, think. Yes. That's it. As Skinner packs the utensils around the pitiful fire and is distracted, I take my chance, and kick Biff, right where it hurts.
He doubles over, hands covering the area protectively. In his surprise and concern Cran drops me on my back and I roll over quickly, out of the way, and onto my back.
"Are you all right Biff?" He asks. "Never mind me idiot, get the girl." But Skinner is already onto it, he leans over me, ready to haul me up, but I push my legs upward and kick his chest hard. He falls toward a tree, coughing and spluttering, leaving the chase up to Biff and Cran.

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