An Unexpected Arrival

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With Aredhrel's anger fuelling her on, it doesn't take us long to reach Rivendell. She would never let me off her horse, even when the party stopped for food and water for their horses. The elves themselves are nothing, and I, feeling like this wouldn't be the right time to ask, kept silent.

Finally at sunset we finally reached the borders of Rivendell themselves. To say that it was beautiful would be an offense. It was heavenly, with angelic creatures meandering about, tall pillars overlooking a graceful waterfall on steep cliffs, everything about this place spoke elves
Waiting for our arrival at the gates were two soldiers. The Captain got off his horse and whispered to one on the right, who then called something upward, and then they opened.
"I will come with you." He said, as Aredhrel jumped off her horse.
"Baw!" She replied, practically dragging me off and into her arms "I will do it myself."

He grabbed her arm.
"You are not yourself."
"Leithio nin!"
She wrenched it out him, and took a deep breath.
"Goheno nin. You are right. I am not myself. It would be good to have a friend by my side in these dark hours."
"Ohhh thank you." I say to him "I was worried she'd secretly strangle me and dispose of the body in the waterfall."
His gaze turns to me full of daggers and malice.
"I did not do it for you, Pen-channas. I only meant to save a friend from a stupid mistake."
Aredhrel jogs me sharply
"I thought that I told you to keep quiet."

The rest of the company with Gannedir wait behind, and they begin the trek toward Elrond's house. We pass over the bridge and my eyes recoil in fear. I hate heights.

Thankfully though, Aredhrel doesn't notice. Instead, she strides ahead of the captain with power, and it's not long before we come to Elrond's grand taken doors, with an eleven in soft golden robes milling around.
"Mae govannen Aredhrel. Esteldir." He directs to the captain.
"Mae govannen Maedir." She replies while Esteldir nods beside her.
"And who is this?" He ask to me.
"This," she shakes me disgustedly "is nothing more than a hû úgaun. We need to bring her to Lord Elrond immediately."
"Well that's fine but-
"No excuses Maedir." She roughly shoves past him, and quickly opens the door. I have little time to marvel at the architecture, not with Aredhrel running like the wind. On the way she slams into to several elleths, and narrowly avoids several elves.

"Can you slow down?" I ask her "That dinner tray nearly took my head off."
She ignores me, eyes focused on her goal. Finding Elrond. To a passing elleth with short Auburn hair, she asks.
"Quick! Where is the Lord Elrond?!" She asks her
"Dining in the hall, but you cannot-
"Thank you!" She calls, and quickly turns on her heels, leaving Esteldir to eat our dust.

After a sharp left, and up some stairs and then another right, we make it to two gilded doors. Aredhrel doesn't even knock, instead uses my legs as a battering ram and thunders into a dining room.

Upon our arrival the loud conversation dies to a quick murmur, and then a whisper, before grinding to halt completely.
"What is the meaning of this?" A majestic elf, with dark brown hair and questioning eyebrows rises from his chair. Elrond.

Throughout the room, every single eye is locked on me. Elves, men, dwarves, and hobbits, their eyes are all focused on me and Aredhrel...and this wouldn't be quite so daunting, if the room wasn't filled with the entire members of the fellowship.

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