The Past Holds Painful Memories

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I was talking to Beririel, enraptured in discussion when I heard the door creak. A short whisper followed.
"Who's that?" I asked her
"I don't know." She answered, perplexed. She got up from the bed, and went to the door. Looking back, she grinned.
"I think you have two visitors, my lady."
Beririel opens the door, and there looking extremely guilty, are Merry and Pippin. I grin widely, excited to see them.

"Merry! Pippin!" I cry, beckoning them forward. The bed bounces roughly as their bodies collide with it.
"Raina, we're so glad you're alright." Pippin smiles, facing me.
"Yes." Merry agrees "And now that you're awake, we'll need your help."
I blink, surprised. What's happened?
"My help?"
"Yes." Pippin clarifies "We're going to prank Elladan and Elrohir. Elrond's twin sons."

I grin smugly. A whole section of fanfiction was devoted to these two.
But, I was unsure, one of the twin's victims ended up with a ferret down her dress...wait! Ferrets!
"Are you sure?" I ask them
"Oh yeah positive," Pippin said

"There's nothing like a good prank." Merry grins at me.
"Okay." I smile, "Come in closer. I think I have an idea."
Beririel was happy to see Raina was happy, Merry and Pippin had really cheered her up. She sighed, tired. She needed a break.
"My lady," she began over their laughter "Raina?"
"Yes? Sorry." Raina looked up eyes, on fire.
"I need to go to the little elves room."
"Okay. See you in a bit."

Beririel bowed slightly and left, and on the way met the wizard, who was holding a steaming tray of tea and some cakes.
"Oh. Beririel?" He asked questioningly "How are you? Who's with Raina?"
"She's fine, Mithrandir, Merry and Pippin are with her."
She saw him twitch slightly.
"Merry and Pippin?" He asked again "You're quite sure?"
"Positive. Is everything alright Mithrandir?"
"No, no, no." He smiled, but Beririel was still unsure "Everything is fine, I will see to Raina now, you go and have break."
She nodded and left him perplexed. Gandalf's grip tightened on the tray. He had business to settle. With two very disobedient hobbits.
When Gandalf burst in he gave me such a fright. Merry and Pippin and I were laughing our heads off, oblivious.
"Oh Raina, who knew you had such a devious side." Merry laughed "But will it all go to plan?"
"Should do. Meet me in the gardens about a half an hour before lunch. By the fountain."
They nodd at me.
"Elladan and Elrohir won't know what hit them." I laugh, and they join in with me.
"Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregin Took!" A deep, frustrated voice cried. They looked at each other warily before turning their heads to the door. There, Gandalf stood with his fists on his hips.
"Hello Gandalf!" Smiles Merry
"We just walked in here, we didn't know this was Raina's room." Pippin explains
"I thought I told you to-" he moved to grab them, but they dodged quickly and Gandalf had to grab the side of the bed to stop from falling.

By the time he recomposed himself, Merry and Pippin are long gone. Now, he shook his head and sighed, sitting down in the chair across from me.
"I'm so sorry Raina," he told me "I told them that you needed rest. "
"That's ok Gandalf." I shrug "I invited them in anyway."
My eyes turned eagerly to the cakes and tea on the tray. He smiled knowingly.
"It's all yours."
I don't waste time, and pour myself a cup of tea, and munch on some cake. Gandalf smiles fondly and sits down on the rocking chair my bed side.

I stay silent, sipping tea and munching on cakes, until Gandalf starts asking me questions about all that I know.
"So, where your from, what's happening right now it's in a book?"
"Well, most of it. But the book was adapted into movies, and that's what we seem to be following."
"A movie...Its like a bunch of moving pictures, that, tell a story."
He nods slowly

"So, we are following the movies?"
"Yes. And that's good for me."
I shrugged, finishing my first cake.
"I know them better than the books."
He nods again, understandingly.
"Is that all you know of Arda?"
"No." I shake my head "I know a few other things, along with the story of a one Bilbo Baggins."
"You do?" Gandalf blinks in surprise "Was that also made into a movie?"
"Three actually. And a book. Called the Hobbit."
"So you know that story too?"
"Yes. I've actually read the book of that story."

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