The Mirror

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I woke up, feeling different. I felt renewed, emboldened, like I had a new sense of purpose...

It was already mid morning when I finally rose from my bed, and Tûrdir walked inwards with a steaming bowl of oats.

"Aur vaer Raina!"

"Good morning Tûrdir." I yawned heavily. The elf smiled at me as I received the bowl gratefully. I was never really a porridge person, and preferred rice krispies any day, but it wasn't as bad as i thought, and with both cinnamon and sugar, I managed to stomach it.

Tûrdir checked my temperature as I ate diligently. I wasn't sneezing or coughing, and my throat although raspy was not constricted in pain.

"How are you feeling my lady?"

I coughed

"Fine Tûrdir." I replied, surprising myself with how smooth my voice sounded after such a long time "Though I must admit my throat is still a it tickly."

"Aye. That I'm afriad will take a few days to mend, but I'm pleased you are well. Your nose doesn't seem blocked and your airways clear. I am pleased with your recovery." He smiles, so proud of me, as if I'm his daughter rather than his patient.

Like Gandalf used to smile at me.

I sighed, staring down at the white gruel.

"I will inform Lady Galdriel of this. She wished to see you as soon as you were well."

A lump of porridge drops on my nightgown. I look down, and pull a face. Tûrdir hands me a tissue.

"Me?!" I scrape off the gruel, though remaining are traces of a stain. I sigh. "Whatever for?"

"I do not know. Perhaps she wanted to get acquainted with you. That is for you to find out."

I raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

Why would Galadriel need to see me? I'm not anyone special.

"Don't worry Raina." The elf places a hand on my shoulder "Lady Galadriel is neither malicious nor contemptuous. She is the epitome of motherhood and wisdom. She is our Lady of Light, and it is as if her heart is made of gold also."

I nod.

"In the mean time eat," he replied "You will not get much better if you are malnourished."

I manage to scrape the bowl clear quickly, since my nervous condition enabled me to do so. I wondered what Galadriel coild possibly want with me. I mean, I had seen a couple fanfics where girls ended up in Middle Earth because of some prophecy some old/dead person wrote - but that seemed implausible to me because if there were such a thing I would have heard of it by now. Nothing seemed to make sense. But then again, the never did these days.

I pushed the feeling of guilt away.

Once I finished my porridge, I walked around aimlessly. I know it was likely she wouldn't care, but I didn't exactly want to meet Galadriel in my nightgown. Especially not with that porridge stain.

Footsteps sounded.

I sighed in relief once I heard it was only Maerwen.

"Oh. It's you." I breathed heavily.

"Yes. Who else would it be?"

I smirked.

"I thought it would be Lady Galadriel. I know she wouldn't mind but I don't exactly want to meet her in a nightgown with a porridge stain."

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