Rilben and Hartha

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I made my way silently from my room to the gardens of Rivendell where the foliage and trees huddled together, the thick woods loomed together and the forest animals scuttled everywhere.

After breakfast, I had spent the rest of the morning engrossed in the tale of the King and now that I finished it, I desperately needed something to do.

It had been a slow morning, but that had only caused my mind to wander, and when it did, it came upon the thought of Skinner. I shivered as I remembered what he said.
"But he will know..."
Distracted, I began to diverge off the path, and deeper into the woods. I was so distracted that I didn't see the figure running after me, Aragorn. I screamed sharply as his hand touched my shoulder and spun me round to him.
"It's me."

I breathed a sigh of relief.
"What are you doing here? You should not be this far from Rivendell."
"I'm...sorry. I'm just..."
"Come on," he signals with his head "I will walk back with you."

I took his arm, and leant on him gently. Aragorn didn't bother to make conversation instead left me alone to my thoughts. It wasn't until Rivendell was in sight, that he turned to me and smiled.
"Arwen has taken a shine to you."

That's surprising.

"Yes." He nodded "I've never seen her so protective and watchful over someone else like this before."
I shrug.
"I guess I've tugged on her heartstrings."
"It is more than that. After her mother sailed for Valinor, she was the only woman in family left. Arwen has always wanted a sister. And now that you're here, it feels like that."
I smile in response as Aragorn leads me back toward Rivendell. Wow! I could scream right now but...that would be too inappropriate.

Arwen Undomiel likes me.

She's fond of me.

And she only just met me a few days ago.

I walk calmly through the gardens, observing the elves, watching the leaves float gently in the wind, but I'm halted in my steps when a certain orc being dragged by two elves comes by.

"What is it?" Aragorn asks me concernedly before following my gaze.

"You!" Skinner spits at me and I feel my grip tighten on Aragorn's sleeve, scrunching up his shirt.

He places his hand on top of mine.
"You did not listen to reason!" He began "Well, be warned fleshling. The wizard will find you!" He cries as the elves drag him away.
"He'll find you and then you'll wish you'd never been born!"

Skinner struggles against his bonds, cursing spitting, wailing, crying. I see the elven guards carry him west, out of Rivendell.

Aragorn turns to me once he's gone. I sit myself down on a stone bench by the fountain, struggling to breathe.

"What did he mean when he said..." He trailed off 'm

"'You did not listen to reason?' "
I gulp nervously.
"Where are they taking him?" I whisper

"Outside to be killed by Rivendell. Raina." He comes and kneels by me and takes my hands within his own "What did Skinner mean?"
I gulped again, then met his eyes.
"The day before yesterday, Aredhrel took me to see him to find out why he was here and if he knew about Frodo and the Ring." I shake my head at Aragorn's anxiety "He doesn't. He came for me because he thought I knew where the Ring was. He told Saruman he was coming here, and because he didn't return today, he will know that I am here. Saruman...Saruman will come for me."
Aragorn stands up, silent for a moment. And then he erupts.
"Stop the execution!" He cries to the elves already long gone.
"Stop the execution!" He repeats running after them "Raina, I will notify Mithrandir, do not fear." He tells me, before turning back round the right way and tears after the elves, but I cannot help but fear.

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