Hearts on Sleeves

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Even though elves have superior hearing, Aredhrel manages to creep by the sleeping Beririel to wake me up. Elves slept with their eyes open, but Beririel closed her's so it wouldn't freak me out.

"It is time." Aredhrel whispers in my ear, and I sit up. As gently as she can, she lifts under my legs, and I wrap my arms around her.

We exit the room silently, greeted by torches and the cover of darkness. Rivendell seems deserted, the only sound a chirp or crickets, or a hot of an owl. Aredhrel takes me out of Elrond's house, and to another building. She leads us down to the stone basement, where there, among with bread and wine, is a miserable little orc. He smiles formidably once he sees me.
"So there you are Raina?" Skinner whispers nasally "Come to say goodbye?"
I ignore him as best I could. Aredhrel sits me down by his cell bars.
"If you try anything," she begins fiercely, unsheathing her dagger and pointing it at him.
"I will not hesitate to finish what I started in the dining room."
She turns around and Skinner spits at her. Her hair whips round and she places the point on his neck.
"I mean what I say."
Slowly, I push her hand away and nod, ready. She moves to sit at the other end of the room, on an empty wine barrel.
"Keep her away from me, will you?" Skinner asks nervously, "She's mad with rage!"
"Skinner," I begin, raising my eyebrows "You're on death row. You don't get to make decisions." I sigh "What are you doing here?"
"You mean in this cell? I was put here!"
"No fool," Aredhrel responds sharply "Why were you spying on Rivendell?"
"That's private business."
"Skinner," I began, slowly gaining confidence "You would be wise to remember why she said. I mean, it wouldn't exactly be my fault if I turned away and she stabbed you relentlessly and...
"Fine." He breathes, sweating for the first time I've seen "Saruman ain't gonna like this." I hear him mumble.
"Saruman?" I ask desperately "Is that who sent you?"

He paused.
"Yes..." he murmured reluctantly "To find you. I was meant to bring you back unscathed. But when I got to the campsite, you were long gone. I assumed the elves had taken you captive here, and followed some hoof prints on the ground."
"So you could wait for your opportunity to Strike?" Aredhrel fills in and he nods.
"Does Saruman know I'm here?" I ask, him slightly fearful.
"No." He answers rudely, but then his demeanour changes and he smiles "But he will if I do not return by the day after tomorrow."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm supposed to be back in my battalion by then, with you...but, if I'm not then he'll just assume I was taken captive because I've found you. But if you release me, who's to say that I won't just tell him I found a dead end."
Skinner delights in seeing me panic. I try to restrain my fear but it's too hard. Aredhrel noticed my reaction too.
"I told you not to try anything fool." Aredhrel says, clambering upward and giving him a rough shove. She begins to lift me up.
"Enjoy your life, you miserable little-"
"Wait." I say. There are still some things I don't understand.


He looks up at me.

"How did Saruman find out of my existence so quickly? From here it would've taken you days to reach Insengard? But you're back so soon."

He smirks at me.

"You think I'm his only messenger?" He smiles "Even some of the insects are on his side."

I nod, 'messengers.'

"How much does he know of me?" I ask him

"As much as I do." He commented "But I wouldn't be surprised if he knew more. He's a wizard, after all."

And not a very good one, at that. I nod.

"Still Raina, I hope you've got your prison outfit all picked out." He smirks and I peer at him, perplexed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I just mean assuming the white wizard will get his hands on you, and he will, be sure of that!" He spat "You should be ready."

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