Out There

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"What's that?" Pippin asks me, as he walks alongside me, struggling to keep up with my tall strides downhill.


My hands grip Bill's reins tightly, as the horse treads over the soft turf.

"That song you're humming?"

"Oh." I smile "It called 'Out There' from the Hunchback of Notre Dame."

"Can you sing it for me?"

"Huh?" I blink, my heart beating. I can't sing.

"The song? Can I hear you sing it?"

"Uh..no. Pippin I'm terrible."

"Oh please, you're just shy."

"Shy of what?" Merry asks, appearing from nowhere.

"Singing. She says she's terrible."

"That's cause I am!" I tell him.

"I don't think you're that bad Raina." Merry adds

"Not that bad at what?" Boromir asks


"I'm terrible." I tell him.

"I'm sure you're better than you think." He smiles "How did you come upon this topic of singing anyway?"

"Raina was humming a song." Pippin tells me "It sounded good, so I want to hear it."

"Oooo, a song eh?" Boromir laughs "I would love to hear the lady sing, especially since she joins in with a voice so quiet whenever the hobbits perform a song."

I look away growing embarrassed.

"Wouldn't you, Aragorn?"

"I am most intrigued to hear you sing, Raina." The Ranger has a light smirk upon his face "That is, only if you wish too."

"Come on lassie!" Gimli grins "Give us a sing song!"

"I'm sure you're wonderful Raina." Frodo smiles. I smile back fondly, the hobbit is so much like me, so kind, even in the midst of adversity.

At this point the whole company is looking at me, even Legolas, and he's boring holes into my soul.

"You flatter me Frodo. But I'm afraid the bare minimum I can do is hold a tune." I shrug "I have no skill in singing."

"Can we at least hear the beginning of your song then?"

Pippin is looking at me with puppy dog eyes. The fellowship are awaiting my answer. How can I resist?

"Ok." I sigh heavily and reluctantly "But prepare to have your ear's assaulted."

Pippin shrugs

"Whatever you say! I'm sure you're great."

My mouth becomes hoarse and clammy. Silence still rings among the group. My heart pounds as I notice their patient gazes, waiting for me to become comfortable enough to begin.

"I'll sing the beginning part of Quasimoto's song."

Pippin nods.

"Ooo." I breathe "Here goes."

I pause, before opening my mouth.

"Safe behind these windows and these parapets of stone,"

Hearing my voice out load is even worse than hearing it in my head, but for the sake of Pippin, I push on, eyes closed.
"Gazing at the people down below me
All my life I watch them as I hide up here alone
Hungry for the histories they show me."

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