If Only He Knew

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My eyes fluttered open at the sound of someone's voice. I squinted upward, watching a figure blocking the rays of the rising sun.


Behind him looms Caradhras, and the sun's rays create a circle around him, like he's an angel reflecting heavenly light. The light cast shadows on his face, but I can make out a faint smile.

"Time to leave."

I sat upward. Legolas held out a smooth hand toward me, and hauled me upward. He seemed to have been awake for hours, his bow already positioned behind his back with his arrows, and his eyes look ablaze with energy.

It's only then that I realise that I was supposed to have been on watch. Also, that I fell asleep...right beside him.

"Thanks." I manage to say "F-for taking over my watch shift last night."
He shrugged.

"It was the least I could do."
Legolas left me as I began to pack up my bag. I tied Galad around my shoulder, made sure Gal was secured. Then I came to my blanket. My...blanket...I don't remember covering myself last night. Legolas...must have. Legolas?! I groan as I remember the events of last night, and my unashamed crying. I feel like such a baby. What if it made him think I was a weakling? That I needed looking after, and that I should never have come on this trip?

'Ugh! So stupid Rains!'

My gaze flitters upward as I shove my blanket inside, and apply my cloak around my shoulders. From where I am, I can see the fellowship packing up camp, Pippin stumbling drowsily, and Aragorn talking with Legolas in a quiet corner. The ranger sees me staring and smiles. I smile back. Legolas follows his gaze and turns around. I instantly drop my head down, in an attempt to get away from Legolas' gaze, tie up my bag, and shout:


The hobbit turns to me with a surprised look. I smile, slugging my pack around my shoulder and walk over to the group.

"Walk with me?"
The hobbit nods with a smile.


Soon enough, Gandalf's voice rings out through the morning air.

"Company!" Gandalf calls "We must move onward."

And then we're off. To face a beast that has roots nobody sees, is taller than trees, up up it goes, yet never grows. Caradhras. I can hear chatter amongst the group as I walk behind Gandalf with the Ringbearer. Merry and Pippin are as talkative as ever, and from the back Gimli' s loud voice slams itself against my ears.

"So," I smile at Frodo "How have you been?"
He smiles bitterly.

"Rough night?"
The hobbit nodded.

"I figured. It was a peaceful night, Sauron must choose those nights to try and reach out to you, isn't it?"

"I can't get away from him it would seem. When I close my eyes, he's there. If I look down," Frodo gazes at the ring "He's still there."

I place a shoulder on the hobbit, and pull him closer.

"Come Frodo," He looks up at me, leaning gently "I can't have you this hopeless this early in the morning. What would give you pleasure? Let me know, and I'll do it."

I take a quick look at the wizard.

"As long as it means that Gandalf won't turn me into anything unnatural. Then, you're on your own my friend."

He smirks, before speaking.

"To hear you sing again."

I scoffed, laughing. I blinked when I noticed his serious features.

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