The Flame, The Wizard and the Balrog - Part II

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The rest of the company stand stock still, terror etched on every one of their faces. Sam catches something with his sharp eyes.
"Frodo!" He cries.
And we look downward, noticing the blade glowing blue inside its sheath.

'I wonder...'

I look down and frown. My blade is still silver.

'No such luck.'

Crackles and screams of delight with whispers are resounding from outside the chamber, growing louder and louder like a swarm of honey bees do when they're about to rampage from their nest.

"Orcs!" Legolas shouts, before remembrance flickers in his eyes. His gaze flocks to me, and he takes my hand, searches the room frantically before leading me toward a corner carefully concealed behind a pillar. The elf places me there but I try to leave. He places a hand on my shoulder and looks deeply into my eyes.

"You are not fit to fight." He whispers to me in elvish. I roll my eyes playfully and he smirks before his tone grows serious "Stay here."

I nod, and he leaves me with a smile that flutters my heart.

But all it does is make way for the fear to sink in. I was facing death...yet again.
"They have a cave-troll." I hear Boromir say, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

From where I am behind the pillar, I just about make out Legolas, and the hobbits' and Gandalf's obscured figures in front of me. Gimli I cannot see, but know he stands steadfast, vengefully gripping his axe.

Legolas joins Boromir and Aragorn at the door, helping them close it, before moving to a hook which contained the last of the dwarf weapons. He tosses spears and axes easily, as if they're made of paper mache rather than strong metal.

The men barricade the door, before Boromir draws his sword with shield, and Aragorn and Legolas knock an arrow to each bow.

Even though I can't be in the fight, that doesn't mean I can't help it, right?

I sheath Galad and knock and arrow with Gal. Nervous energy rises to its optimum within me and I feel excitement tug at my lips. I close an eeye, aiming for whatever comes through that door first.

"Aarghhh!! Let them come!" Gimli shouts from atop Balin's tomb "There is one dwarf yet in Moria that still draws breath!"

Contrary to this tense moment in time, I laugh, though unfortunately the anxiety still clings to my throat. I gulp, getting ready to put all of Legolas' lessons in place.

I close my eyes trying to remeber everything he taught me.

"Relax your grip on the bow...don't pull the string back to weakly...remember to always keep both eyes open..."

'Both eyes open.'

I open my eyes, hood falling off, watching the wood begin to chip as sound came back into hearing. Without the soundtrack, the room was deathly silent, nothing more then the gentle padding of hobbit's feet as the swayed back and forth with their sword's in their grip.

The two archers began to fire through the holes and, I pulled back my arrow.
"Hold it...hold it." I whispered, taking aim.

'Just hold it.'

They broke down the door.

And the rampage began.

Screams of different pitch and volume filled the chamber and I thought that there was no way that we would be able to take all those orcs. In the movie maybe, but in real life...impossible!

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