Before My Mother Passed

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Darkness. That is all that surrounds me. The light of the corridor is dim, but before me lay three tunnels. One at west, north and east. I gaze around, looking for Gandalf to tell us which way to go, but find that he's not there.

In fact, none of the company are there.

My panic starts to rise, and I clutch at my trouser legs.

'Where is everybody? Have they left me?'

"Merry?" I mumble
"Sam?" I say louder
"Gimli?!" My throat begins to constrict
"Aragorn? Where are you?"

'Where are they? Have they left me? No. They wouldn't. Legolas wouldn't.'
"Legolas?!" I call desperately "Legolas!"

I sigh, slumping downward, hurt, and ready to cry. My chest aches with the pain. They had left me, like I was nothing to them. Like nothing I did ever mattered. Like my brother did. What friends I thought I had, were a lie. It was all a lie

I never meant anything to any of them.

Even Legolas.

A tear rolls down my cheek, and I shake my head in agony. But, before I'm about to begin another crying session, an idea pops in my brain. Maybe they've just moved on and left me behind by accident. Maybe they don't even know I' m here and haven't followed them. Maybe orcs took them.

I shiver.

'That means the could be in grave danger. And so could I...'

But, Legolas was right next to me. If they took him, why didn't they take me? Slightly puzzled, I stand up. They must've just moved on then. Still, I draw my sword, heart pounding. To be honest, I don't know if I'll survive this ordeal. With the fellowship, I always felt safe, protected. I had amazing swordman and te best archer in the world to look after me. Now I was all alone.

I move closer to the different paths, unsure of which one to follow. In movies and tv shows, its nearly always the middle path that's safe...or, is that wrong? Maye it's the right path...I step closer toward the middle tunnel, before sensing a light up ahead.

It could be orcs. But, then again, it could be Gandalf and the others. With no other choice, I follow the light, footsteps resounding, though they're too loud for my comfort.

I stop, listening.

Nothing seems to be making any noise in response. So, with a held breath, I continue to creep forward, tip toeing, hand gliding along the north wall. The light begins to grow brighter, so I take the risk of moving in a light jog. I freeze when I think I hear something. I wait. I listen.


So I run, tear down the corridor, light growing harder and brighter by the second. That's it then. It must be Gandalf! I run faster, a grin spreading on my face, relieved at the thought of being safe and protected. I run, eyes spotting the end of the corridor, race through the doorway, and come face to face with a beast that may as well be from hell.

The Balrog.

I halt, almost falling backward. It spots me, and I know it's too late. I turn around and run, flames spewing from its mouth. It engulfs me in it's flames. I scream.

Blackness surrounds me. I'm alone,

'Have I died? Am I don't think I was that bad, was I?'

Frantic, I turn around...

And my heart drops.

Staring back at me, is an eye.

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