Chapter 33: I've realized something

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"You can't do that! That's cheating!" Parker exclaimed.

"No, it's not. I simply switched out my cards when you weren't looking. You never said I couldn't switch out my cards." Parker rolled his eyes at me, but I saw a small smile spread across his face.

Ever since I arrived at the hospital, we've been playing card games. I've beat him almost every round, and he only now realized it's because I was cheating.

It was really funny actually, watching Parker get all frustrated when he couldn't figure out how I kept winning. It was actually kind of adorable. He would make a face every time I won. I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach when I looked at him, but it was becoming harder to ignore.

At first I thought there was something wrong with me. I even looked it up online to see what was wrong with me, but I couldn't find any answers.

The feeling never went away. Every time I visited him at the hospital, the feeling got stronger.

I tried my best to ignore it, but it was hard.

Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I now had feelings for Parker. Trust me, I did not want to have them, but I couldn't deny it any longer.

When I first started visiting him in the hospital, it was because I felt guilty. I felt like I caused Parker's accident. But now, my feelings changed.

I don't know when it happened, or how it happened for that matter, but it did. Somehow, in the last week, I had fallen for Parker, who's supposed to be my boyfriend's best friend.

That raises another issue. Scottie.

I know I still like him, there's no denying that. But I also have feelings for Parker. I'm hoping with time, and maybe a sign from the universe, my feelings will get sorted out and I can be with Scottie in peace.

Like I said, I don't know how this happened. But at the same time, a small part of me is not surprised that it did. We had gotten really close these last couple months and he was now one of my good friends, it's not a surprise that I ended up falling for him.

Now, normally, I wouldn't play into the whole 'a man and woman can't be friends without feelings for each other' thing, but this, this was different.

I don't now how to explain it, but it is. And that's what scares me. I'm sacred that these feelings will become stronger and destroy any I might have left for Scottie. I'm scared that by having these feelings, I'm going to ruin Scottie and Parker's friendship, that I'm going to ruin my relationship with my boyfriend.

I feel like a dirty cheater. Obviously, I haven't acted on these feelings, but I may as well have. I shouldn't have even developed them in the first place, but I couldn't control it.

Feelings are out of our control. We can't control who we fall for, or how fast we fall.

Tired of these back and forth in my head and the guilty feeling, I shook off the feeling and tried to focus back on Parker.

"You okay there Anders? You kind of zoned out on me," he chuckled.

"Oh, yeah. I'm completely fine. I just started thinking about the winter ball that's coming up. I kind of wanted to help plan it, but I don't know where to start. I would have to join the planning committee, but I think I have time for that considering tennis season is right around the corner and I need to focus on my studies," I rushed out.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there Flash. No need to be in such a rush. You can always just attend the dance. Planning it isn't all it's cracked up to be, I should know. I've been on the committee since freshman year," he said.

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