Chapter 14: There was something about the way he looked at you

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Chasing after Parker was a lost cause to begin with, I realized this the moment I took off after him. There were three reasons why.

1. He played football and did swimming.

2. He had really long legs.

3. I was short.

There was no way I would be able to catch him. Instead, I walked into the living room to join everyone else for movies. I don't know where Parker went, nor do I care.

Ironically, the only spot next was in between Andrew and Scottie. I sat down, trying to appear calmer than I felt. Scottie was only sitting an inch away from me, what do I do now?

"What movie do you guys want to watch?" I asked.

Everyone shouted out answers, ranging from a comedy to horror. After an intense debate (that I won by the way) we finally settled on watching Grown-Ups. I ran into the kitchen and prepared some snacks to take back to my friends.

They were all getting hungry, even though there was plenty of food outside. As I was preparing the popcorn, Parker appeared in the kitchen. "Hey, what happened? I thought you would want to get back at me."

I didn't bother looking at him as I took the popcorn out of the microwave and dumped it in a bowl. "I realized I would never catch up to you, so I decided to get revenge another way." Turning around, I gathered all the snacks in my arms and walked out.

"Oh yeah? And how do you plan on doing that?" he whispered in my ear. I turned around, not even registering the fact that our faces were only inches apart.

"You'll just have to wait and see," I whispered back.

Then, I grabbed the snacks and headed back into the living room. "Finally! I thought I was going to die from starvation." Andrew exclaimed.

"Please, pigs would fly before that would happen. You're too much of a food lover to ever starve," I said, tossing him the bag of candy I grabbed on my way out of the kitchen.

"Thanks," he mumbled through a mouthful of candy. Laughing, I took my seat in between Scottie and Andrew. Since there was no other seats left, Sophia got up and squeezed herself between Andrew and I.

Parker sat were she was sitting previously and I pressed play.


A couple of hours later, and almost everyone was passed out in my living room.

They all enjoyed the movie, but the ones that were drunk passed out within 5 minutes, and everyone followed slowly after that. I was one of the few people that stayed awake for the entire movie, besides Parker and Stephen.

It was getting late, so once the movie ended I got up to start cleaning. I decided that once I was done with that, I would get the boys help in moving everyone up to the spare room we had.

It would be tight, but they could deal with it.

As I began to clean up all the food that was still outside, I felt a presence behind me. "Stephen?" "Yup."

"What are you doing out here? I thought you were helping move people upstairs?" I asked. "Well I didn't want you to be out here cleaning by yourself, plus I wanted to talk to you about something."

"About what?" I replied. I gathered all the empty cups and bottles and threw them in the recycling bin.

"About Parker."

I stopped for a second and looked at him. "Why would you want to talk to me about him?"

"Because, I know you're oblivious to everything around you. I was watching him tonight to make sure he wouldn't do anything to make you angry, when I noticed something. During the movie, he kept glancing over at you whenever you laughed. Now I don't know how he feels, but something tells me he doesn't completely hate you."

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