Chapter 29: And so began my fall down a very slippery slope

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Parker's POV:

I still remember the first time I saw her face.

It was the first day of kindergarten and I was late because my mother had forgotten to pack my lunch, so she had to rush to put something together, and then we got a flat tire on the way to school.

Let's just say my mother was not very good with time management, which is why my father normally takes me to school after that.

By the time we arrived, the teacher had already given everyone their seats and I didn't know what to do. I walked in the classroom looking like a lost puppy.

Everyone stared at me and it made me nervous. I didn't like when people paid attention to me, which is ironic thinking back on it.

Anyways, the first moment I saw her was when my teacher gave me my seat. He sat me down right next to her, the only empty seat left. I didn't think anything of it until it was time for recess. All the kids had gathered to play a game of tag and Blaze was sort of the leader of the groups of kids.

Since it was the first day, I remember being really shy and not knowing who to talk to. So, I figured that since we sat next to each other in class that she would let me play with her and her friends.

Boy, was I wrong.

I tried asking her to play, but she shut me down immediately. She claimed that "I was too skinny and couldn't run fast, so I would make the game not fun". That made me really mad, so I picked up a handful of sand, throwing it at her.

It got all over her hair, clothes, and face. When I saw her trying to shake all the sand bits from her hair, I started laughing. She looked like a dog who had just gotten a bath and was trying to dry off.

This didn't go over well with her, because next thing I know, there's a handful of sand flying at my face. There wasn't enough time to dodge, so I got a mouthful of sand (which tasted disgusting by the way.)

And thus began the decade long prank war and bullying phase we went through.

After that day, we never got along. Our teacher had to separate us because we kept fighting so much. It got to the point where they called our parents to the school and almost suspended us, but my parents being rich, they paid off the principal so that wouldn't happen.

That made Blaze think of me as a rich snob that could get away with anything. And I'll admit, I was for a time. But, eventually I realized money couldn't solve everything and stopped being such a stuck-up kid.

We were still very mean to each other, however. We both played sports and did well in school, always trying to out do the other one.

One time when we were in middle school, there was a spelling bee with a $100 prize that we both wanted. Since we were the two smartest in our grade, we made it to the finals where we had to verse each other.

Neither one of us was willing to give up, so after the judges ran out of words, they declared it a tie and we split the prize in half.

There were a bunch of other little instances that kept snowballing our hate for each other, but I won't bore you with the details.

When we got to high school, nothing changed. We kept arguing and fighting over the dumbest things. I'm not sure why we were always arguing, but nevertheless we continued. I remember when Scottie defended her one time after she called me an asshole so I called her a bitch and she slapped me.

I was so mad at him for defending her that I didn't speak to him for a week. Me being me, I got over it pretty quickly. What I failed to realize, however, was why my best friend was defending the girl I've hated since kindergarten.

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