Chapter 4: The dare that started it all

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I was released from the hospital the following day, which also happened to be Friday. The day I was supposed to be going to that party with Parker. Obviously it's not happening, which made me kind of bummed. I wouldn't get the chance to see Scottie.

Oh well, it's not like I was going to actually talk to him at the party. Even though I was very loud and out spoken most of the time, I still had trouble talking to guys. It was something my friends never failed to point out to me and tease me for.

It's not that I didn't want to talk to them, I just didn't know how. Most boys my age don't have the same interests I do. That, or they don't want a girl with a personality like mine.

Since my parents weren't making me go to the hell that is school today, the first thing I did when I got home was change into one of my father's old t-shirt's, grab a jar of Nutella, and head upstairs to binge watch Netflix for the entire day.

But, before I laid down and never got up, I cleaned myself off with a wet rag. The doctor told me I'm not allowed to get my stitches wet, so I had to scrub myself off this way. Once I finished cleaning up, I plopped down on my bed.

I was currently half way through re-watching Criminal Minds for the fifth time. A couple of hours later, I got bored and decided to scroll through Instagram on my phone.

I was minding my own business, when there was a sudden loud banging on my window. I looked over and saw Parker staring at me with a bag in his hands.

I stormed over to my window and threw it open. "What the fuck Parker?" I whisper shouted at him. "Well good afternoon to you too," he scoffed as he climbed through my window and into my room. Much to my dismay, he also sat on my bed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" No response.

"If you don't answer me in five seconds, I will throw a lamp at you. 5, 4, 3-"

"Just don't hit my face, that's my money maker right there," he replied. "What are you, a prostitute?" I retorted, grabbing the lamp that was right at my side.

"Don't test me, I will throw this lamp at you. Now tell me what the fuck you are doing in my room, and on my bed." This time I added more venom in my tone so he knew I wasn't messing around.

Finally, after a long silence, he raised his hands up in defeat. "Fine, I'll tell you. I'm here because I brought you clothes for tonight. I didn't want to bring you clothes, but if I'm to hold up my end of the deal, I have to make you look good." He said this like it was totally normal and not creepy at all that he had somehow found out where I lived and climbed into my room without my permission. "Tonight?"

He looked at me like I was the dumbest person on Earth. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually believes that. "The party? Don't tell me you forgot?"

"In case you forgot, I'm injured dumbass. I have a concussion and stitches in my back. How the hell am I supposed to go to this party?" If there was a competition for stupidity, Parker Knight would win first place.

"It won't be an actual party, just a small gathering of me and 10 or 15 friends. We will be hanging out and playing games, with some alcohol. But you don't have to drink if you don't want to," was his response.

"And Scottie will be there?" I questioned. He nodded his head and looked at me expectantly, waiting for my answer.

I was unsure about this. I mean on one hand, do I really want to hang out with Parker and his asshole friends? Or do I want to risk it all just to see a guy?

It was a lose-lose situation, I just had to determine which one would have the best benefits. Plus, this whole thing was sketchy. I mean, I get Parker wanting to keep his grade up for sports, but offering to help me get with his best friend? Come on, that screams suspicious. Also the fat that Parker is supposed to be smart, but he somehow needs help in History.

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