Chapter 18: Why are you sitting in the dark with a knife?

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Blaze's POV:

The moment the bell rang signaling the day was over, I rushed out of class eager to get home and sleep. However, my plans were ruined when I bumped into Parker. "Excuse me," I mumbled stepping to the side to continue on my way.

"Woah, where are you rushing off too?" He asked.

"Trying to avoid your dumbass. I am tired and want to go home." He scoffed and stepped to the side so I could walk away. "What a gentleman," I said sarcastically looking back at him.

I imagine myself like one of those girls in movies when they tell off the mean guy and walk away like a boss, but my fantasy was cut short by my shoelaces. They were untied so I tripped over them.

There was nothing I could do to save myself, so I just braced myself for the fall. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but it still hurt like a bitch. Parker, being the gentleman he is, didn't help me up but instead laughed at me.

I sent him the meanest look I could muster, and finally walked away.

When I got home from school, I sunk down on the couch and got ready to take a nap. Today was exhausting and weird to say the least. My body was burnt out.

Everything was going fine until I got to history when we had to do that worksheet and I had to help Parker, even though he's supposed to be smart.

Then, he started asking me all these weird questions about having a boyfriend or what I look for in a guy. Out of everyone, I would've thought he would be the one to know better than anyone that I don't have a boyfriend and that my type of guy is a guy like Scottie (except for maybe Sophia and Stephen). That's literally the only reason we talk outside of school anyways, well besides our project.

I elected to ignore him though, because he was just asking for Scottie. It's the only acceptable excuse.

I ended up sleeping through dinner and woke up at 9, oops. When I went downstairs to grab some dinner, I saw my parents watching a movie in the living room. "How come you didn't wake me up for dinner?" I asked.

I was starving right now. My stomach was grumbling so loud, they could hear it all the way across the world. Grabbing a bag of chips, I walked back over to them. "Well you were sleeping and after we got home from work and we were so exhausted that we decided we needed some alone time, and since you were already asleep it was perfect," my mother explained, looking at my dad and winking

"Alone time? What could you have- OH! EW, gross! You did that while I was sleeping two doors away? That's disgusting!" I exclaimed and ran upstairs. I did not need that image in my head. I kid you not, I felt a little puke make its way up my throat.

Thinking about my parent's kissing made me want to gag, but hearing about it is even worse. Shuddering, I climbed back in my bed and munched on the chips.

When they were finished, I threw the bag on the floor and scrolled through Instagram. I was still hungry, but there was no way in hell I was going back down there while my parents were there. Who knows what I would walk in on.


The next 2 days were very nerve wracking for two reasons. One, the Halloween Festival was this Saturday, and two, next week a recruiter from my top college, UCLA, was coming to watch me play in a practice match.

It was currently Friday and I was tapping my leg nervously as I waited for Scottie to respond to me. I had told him that I wanted to meet in front of the gates of the festival tomorrow around 2. It's been 5 minutes already and I was getting impatient.

Finally after what seemed like a million lifetimes, he replied.

Scottie: That sounds fine, but can we meet around 3 instead of 2? I have stuff to do before.

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