Chapter 11: You asked for this

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"What are you doing here?"

I looked at my mother in fear. It had completely slipped my mind that she hated Parker. I mean, I understand why she would, he's an asshole.

But, since she caught him here, that means my ass is in trouble too. "He came over to study. I told you that remember."

"You said you're friend named Scottie was coming over, you never said anything about a Knight stepping foot in our house," she spat in disgust.

"I didn't know he was coming over either. He's friends with Scottie and he also needed some help with his math homework. It's not like I could've predicted this," I tried to explain to her.

She had a thick skull and was very stubborn, so I knew convincing her to let him stay would take a lot more work.

"You could've not let him in. It's not that hard to just shut the door."

"Shutting the door in his face would've been rude, especially since his friend was there. I would've embarrassed myself."

"That's still no excuse. If he doesn't leave our house in the next 5 minutes, you are grounded for a month and I am cancelling your party."

"Is everything okay?"

Standing at the top of the stairs was Scottie with his bag in his hand. Parker responded to his friend before I could. "Everything's fine. But my mother just texted me saying I need to come home now."

"Oh, okay. I guess I can take you home." He turned to me. "Blaze, I'm sorry but it looks like we have to leave earlier than planned. We can continue this another day."

We said our goodbyes and they left.

The moment the door shut, I turned back to my mother. "Why did you do that?" I shouted. "You had no excuse. I don't care if we both don't like him. You just made us look like fools in front of my friend. Why do you even hate him that much anyways?"

"Because he's a Knight," she scoffed.

"Is that supposed to mean something to me? It's not like he's ever done anything to you" I shouted. I was trying hard not to raise my voice at my mother, but I was angry right now. Yes, I hated him because he was an arrogant asshole who was always competing with me for everything, but that does not mean he deserves the hate my mother is throwing at him.

He's never done anything to her. And she was embarrassing me in front of my friends.

"I guess it's time I told you what happened all those years ago. Come, sit and I'll explain." She patted the seat next to her. Confused and a little scared, I sat down.

"It all started 40 years ago when your father and I first came to America. Our parents were friends and decided to come to this country together to start a business. Shortly after we got here, my father met Parker Knight's grandfather, Alex Knight."

"They became friends and Alex helped your grandfathers with their business. They were doing fine for a couple years, but then Alex betrayed them. He thought they were unfit to run a business, so behind there backs, he got himself appointed CEO and fired your grandfathers."

"Ever since that day, our families have hated each other. We were new to this country and they took advantage of us and stole our money. We were left with nothing, and for a couple of years we actually went back to Sweden, but eventually we came back. And when we came back we found out that Alex had turned it into a multi-million dollar business."

"All the Knights are greedy and selfish and don't care who they walk over to get to the top."

"Wow," I gasped.

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