Chapter 28: You wouldn't understand

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As soon as I walked in, I was bombarded with questions from Andrew. "Blaze, you're my friend. Tell me that I don't suck at playing soccer," he whined.

I thought for a moment before answering. "Well, I'm not really sure. I mean you do tend to look like a newborn giraffe walking for the first time when you play, but sometimes you make it in the goal, so I guess there's that."

Andrew looked surprised. "Ugh! How could you do this to me? I thought we were friends! And here I was ready to take a bullet for you if I ever need to." I just rolled my eyes and sat down next to Scottie.

Andrew is being way too over dramatic right now, which isn't unusual. Everyone was laughing at how dramatic he was being. Scottie wrapped his arm around my shoulders and placed a quick kiss on my cheek, smiling at me.

The way we were sitting I didn't have to look up at him for once, which was a relief to my neck. "I love your costume," he whispered in my ear. A small smile crept onto my face. "I'm glad, it took me a while to think of one."

Suddenly, we were rudely interrupted by Arabella's loud shouting.

"So was it just a coincidence both of you dressed like pirates or was that on purpose or something?" she asked. My eyes shot up and I searched the room to see who else was dressed like a pirate. I already knew it wasn't Sophia, Andrew, or Scottie, so I quickly scanned everyone else.

Sure enough, sitting 2 spots to my right, was Parker, dressed in an almost identical pirate costume to me, only a male version.

"No!" we both shouted at the same time. I sent him a glare. Now people would be suspicious. "I just liked this costume, I have no idea why that idiot is wearing one too," I said, motioning over to Parker.

He frowned at the ground, trying to come up with a response. I swear to god I don't know why we're wearing the same costume. It was purely a coincidence.

Parker never ended up saying anything, instead, he drank from the beer bottle he was holding. Since everyone was here now, they decided to play some games. I wasn't in the mood for another truth or dare game, especially after what happened last time, so I opted to sit this one out.

They were using an empty beer bottle and spinning it to decide who would go. So far, Arabella, Andrew, and Maddison have all gone. Since she was the last one to go, Maddie spun the bottle, landing on Parker.

"Truth or dare Knight," she said, smirking at him. I could've sworn I saw her briefly glance at me, but I think that sip of spiked fruit punch I had earlier was messing with my mind.

"Truth," he mumbled.

"Do you have someone you like?" she asked him. Oh no, I wonder if he'll answer. I mean, I know the truth, but I don't know if any of his other friends do. He probably isn't going to admit it to them.

"Yes," he said, shocking everyone in the room, including me. "Well who is she?" she asked eagerly.

Parker suddenly sat up straighter, a smirk coming on his face. "Nope, that is top secret information. Like I would ever tell you guys. Andrew over here would probably start planning our wedding right that second. Besides, it's not that serious. It's just a little crush."

Oh, poor Parker. Don't you know it's not just 'a little crush?' The way you talk about her makes her seem like a gift sent from God himself. And there's no denying the way his eyes glaze over whenever he talks about how pretty he thinks she is.

"He's not wrong," Andrew said with a chuckle. And so, the game went on. Everybody forgot about Parker's little confession, but it seemed like Parker never relaxed again. His shoulders were always rigid, and he stopped drinking his beer. Maybe he wasn't in the mood to play anymore.

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