Chapter 1: Where it all began

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"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screeched at him. The soggy, stinky noodles dripped down my face onto my clothes, before finally falling to the floor. My brand new white t-shirt was completely soaked in Sprite and whatever disgusting sauce the noodles were covered in.

I looked at him, anger boiling inside of me. I curled my hand into a fist, pressing my fingernails into my palm in an attempt to stop myself from punching this arrogant asshole square on his nose.

Instead of answering me, he just stared at me with that stupid smirk on his face, laughing with the rest of his friends. "Do you think this is funny?" I seethed. I was getting more pissed off by the second. He glanced up and down at the mess and shook his head before answering. "No," he laughed.

"Right answer," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. The Sprite had made my shirt see through, and I wasn't too keen on having my purple bra on display for the entire cafeteria. The pop also made my arms sticky.

I looked over at the culprit, and he looked like he was about to burst from holding back his laughter. "I think it's hilarious!" he shouted, giving out high fives to his friends.

"Why you little-" I lunged for him, but suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and held me back.

Now, I know you may be a little confused on what's happening right now. Well, let me explain how we ended up in this dangerous situation.

5 hours earlier...

"Blaze! Get your ass out of bed right now or I will throw this bucket of cold water on you, so help me God!"

I threw one of my pillows in the direction of the annoying buzzing. "Just 5 more minutes," I mumbled into my pillow. I was just getting to the good part of my dream about Tom Holland. I snuggled further into my covers and drifted to sleep.

Not even 5 seconds later, that same annoying buzzing sounds talks again. "Alright, you give me no choice." Next thing I know, I'm being drenched in ice cold water. My eyes snap open and attempt to find the culprit who interrupted my sleep.

I practically jumped out of my bed, prepared to murder the person who woke me from my precious sleep. My brother was holding a bucket in his hand at the foot of my bed. "You stupid pighead!" I screeched at him.

"The hell is a pighead?" my brother shouted.

"Fuck if I know! I just said the first thing that popped in my head!" My insult wasn't the best, but give me a break. I just woke up. Reaching over, I threw another pillow at him, but much to my dismay he dodged it. "Get up right now."

"Mom says if you're late today, she won't drive you to school." He left my room after making me promise him that I wouldn't fall back asleep. Normally I would fall back asleep but since I was rudely woken up by cold water, I'm already wide awake.

Slowly, I dragged myself over to my dresser and grabbed some underwear before walking into my bathroom. I showered and did my business before throwing on my undergarments and walking back over to my dresser. I pulled out the first pair of jeans I saw and slipped them on.

The white shirt I just got yesterday was hanging on the back of my desk chair, so I grabbed it and put it on before heading downstairs. I didn't feel the need to brush my hair, so I just quickly ran my fingers through it and called it good.

"Ah the beast has risen!" I glared at my brother and grabbed some Fruity Pebbles from the box on the counter and shoved handfuls of it into my mouth. I made eye contact with my brother right as I shoved another handful in. He snorted as he watched me. "Real graceful there Blaze."

I stuck out my tongue like a child. He eyed my mouth in disgust. "Can't you eat your cereal like a normal person?" he asked. I grabbed another handful and ate it before I decided I would respond to the idiot sitting across from me. "I like eating my cereal dry. Plus, I'm saving the earth by not using a bowl. If I used a bowl, you would have to waste water washing it, now you don't."

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