Chapter 40: Best Boyfriend Ever

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Let's just say what was on the inside was not what I was expecting.

As I peered around his locker door to look inside, the biggest grin ever spread across my face.

There, on the inside of his locker, was dozens of photos of me and him over the years, from kindergarten until now from all different times.

There was one of us in kindergarten fighting in the sandbox, us in fourth grade being held back by our parents so we would stop fighting, and most recently a picture of us at the Halloween Festival, except this one was just me.

It was night time and I was looking up at the Ferris Wheel in awe, while the whole thing lit up, blue and purple lights shining across my face. I was smiling really wide, without a care in the world.

I hadn't even noticed him take that picture.

In fact, all the pictures from this year, I didn't realize he had taken. There was one of me telling his little brother that bedtime story when I babysat him, one of me sleeping next to his hospital bed, and plenty more.

I was shocked to say the least. I wasn't expecting that. And don't even get me started on the words above the pictures.

It literally said "Mr. and Mrs. Knight forever." I couldn't help the snort that came out of my mouth when I read that. Parker finally turned around and his eyes widened in horror when he saw me looking at his locker.

He quickly slammed it shut, almost slamming it on my fingers in the process. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "I wasn't done looking at that!"

"Yes you were," he mumbled and dragged me away from his locker. If you thought a stop sign was red, his ears were even redder. It was clear he was super embarrassed about what I saw, but I thought it was funny, and a little sweet.

When I asked him about the pictures from when we were younger, he said his mom had taken majority of them, but my mom had taken a couple of them on occasion. Apparently they use to share them with each other when we were younger, but kept it a secret because of that stupid family feud.

It was honestly kind of crazy to think our moms had been wanting us to get together that long, and that eventually it did end up happening. But I'm okay with it, because Parker is the best boyfriend I could have asked for.

My boyfriend liked me so much that he had taken those (amazing, btw) pictures of me and hung them up in his locker. It was also adorable how embarrassed he is right now. Every time I looked at his ears and saw how red they were, it made me laugh even more.

When we got to his car, Parker pulled out his keys from his backpack and unlocked his car, holding open the door for me.

He hopped in on the drivers side and put the keys in the ignition. "Wait a damn second. Is that what I think it is?" I pointed towards his keys with a confused look on my face.

There, dangling from his keys, was the keychain from the Halloween Festival. The one that had the picture of us kissing on the roller coaster on it. Damn, I mean I knew he bought it, but I always assumed he bought it to blackmail me with or something. I had completely forgotten about that until now.

This dude must really like me.

"Oh, for fucks sake." Parker groaned and threw his head onto the steering wheel, accidentally hitting the horn. It made a loud blaring noise and the poor freshmen kids who were walking by his car got scared shitless. They jumped in the air and dropped their books everywhere.

"FUCK!" Parker shouted out of frustration.

I, on the other hand, was dying of laughter. I know, I know. I shouldn't be laughing at my boyfriend's misery, but it was just too funny. He was super fucking frustrated and embarrassed right now, and everything was going wrong for him.

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