Chapter 2: The start of a third world war

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After the disaster that was lunch, I headed to my next class which was AP World History. Luckily, I had Sophia and Stephen in this class. I pulled out my phone to text Stephen and told him to save us seats.

Suddenly, someone bumped into my back causing me to drop my phone on the ground. I glanced up to see Parker smirking at me.

"Watch where you're going asshole," I sneered as he walked off. Examining my phone, I saw that there was now several small cracks across my screen, along with one giant one that run from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

Great, now I needed to get my phone fixed. This day just kept getting better and better. Note my sarcasm.

I walked in my AP World class and sat down next to Stephen who had gotten there early to save seats for us as he promised he would. "I saved you a seat," he stated. I wanted to make a sarcastic remark, but I bit my tongue and instead thanked him before sitting down and waiting for Sophia to arrive.

"So what happened with you and Parker Knight earlier? It's all over the school, and let me tell you people are making up some crazy stories. Someone said that he pulled a gun on you and someone else said that you tackled him for no reason other than to annoy him." Stephen looked at me with a curious glance, waiting to see what I had to say.

I couldn't really blame Stephen for believing the rumors, especially the last one. It sounds like something I would do.

"I don't want to talk about it," I huffed. A few minutes later, Sophia arrived just seconds before the bell rang.

"Cutting it close aren't you?" I asked her. Sophia is never the first to arrive to class, but she's also never super late either. She told me that she had a bet going with her mom that she could get to all her classes on time for the first 2 months of school.

Apparently her prize was a new car. She's been asking for once since she turned 16, but her mom's never had enough money. I guess that's changing soon.

"Where's the teacher?" she asked, scanning the room but finding no sign of the toad looking guy. "Probably at the nearest grocery store buying their entire stock of sliced cheese." Our teacher, Mr. Ford, was known to be a bit weird. And by a bit, I mean A LOT weird.

First, he looked like a toad. Second, he always spit whenever he was lecturing his students. Another thing that was very strange, he would randomly pull out sliced cheese in the middle of class and start eating it.

"How much do you want to bet on that?" Sophia said to me, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "A big mac from McDonalds," I replied. We shook on it and waited for the teacher to enter. A few minutes later, he walked in.

Sure enough, he was carrying a bag from the local grocery store that looked to be filled with cheese. "I hate you," she whispered as Mr. Ford set his stuff down. I reached over and high-fived Stephen, who was laughing at the Sophia for losing the bet.

Just as I turned to face the front, I caught Parker looking at me. Great, he's in this class? My life was officially hell. I might as well pack my bags and move down there now. Tell my mother I say goodbye.

Okay, maybe I was being a little dramatic, but us being in the same class together was not a good idea. We would be at each other's throats within the first 5 minutes.

Ignoring him, I faced Mr. Ford who was attempting to fix his tie. After a few seconds, he finally addressed the class. "Good afternoon students. Sorry about being late, my errand took longer than expected."

A few of the kids snickered at him. We all knew where he went.

"Since today is the first day of AP World History, I will let you guys sit where you are now, but be warned. There will be a seating chart tomorrow." I groaned and slumped in my seat. I didn't want to sit next to some idiot who would try and cheat off me or be separated from Sophia and Stephen.

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