Chapter 27: This party is lamer than Andrew playing soccer

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While eating our food, Sophia babbled on about the newest episode of Grey's Anatomy that aired last night.

"I just can't believe he did that. I mean, why would he leave? I was rooting for him, but I'm disappointed."

"Those writers have no idea what they're doing anymore. I could've written a better ending for him, and I'm a shitty writer." I nodded my head while she talked so it seemed like I was still listening.

In truth, I had spaced out a long time ago. I don't even know which character she is talking about. There's too many, and they keep leaving and coming back. It confuses my mind too much.

I let her ramble for a couple more minutes before cutting her off. I really couldn't listen to this anymore. I felt like my ears were going to fall off.

"Alright, I can't take this anymore. Sophia, you need to shut up before you talk my ears off." She smile sheepishly at me and finally went quiet. I continued to eat my deliciously greasy fries, not worrying about getting a heart attack or clogged arteries.

I don't care what anyone says, Burger King is better than McDonalds. Well, except for their fries. Nobody can beat McDonald's fries. They are award worthy.

My food soon disappeared from my tray, so I got up and threw all my trash away, dusting off a few stray crumbs that fell on my legs. Sophia finished shortly after me, following suit and throwing away her trash.

Once we cleaned up our area, we gathered our bags and left the mall. I guess Sophia was going to find stuff for her costume another time.

On our way home, we jammed out to the entire Lemonade Mouth soundtrack. Don't ask me why, but it was some of our favorite songs. Lemonade Mouth is one of the best Disney channel original movies, and if anyone else says otherwise, well, they can fight me.

I was too busy jamming out to notice that I got a missed call from Parker. I wonder what he wanted. Oh well, I'll just call him when I get back.

"So," Sophia asked, turning down the music a little when we got off the highway, "when are you and Scottie going to go on your first official date?"

"Doesn't this party count?" I wondered. I know he asked me out to the carnival, but that was kind of a flop and we didn't get to hang out much together by ourselves. I was hoping this party would be a chance for us to hang out by ourselves, considering we are dating now.

"Oh honey," my best friend sighed. "You know nothing about dating. It's okay, I can't blame you. This is your first boyfriend after all."

"Alright, since you're such an expert, why don't you tell me what counts as a first date then?"

"Well first off, it can't be at a high school party. That, by definition, cancels out the word 'date'. It has to be somewhere quiet, just you guys, and dim lighting so you can look all cool and mysterious to the other person."

I wasn't too sure about the lighting part, but I trusted her about the rest. "What does this count as then?" If this wasn't a date, then what was it?

"Just two people who happen to be boyfriend and girlfriend hanging out with some of their friends. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Well, damn, this sucks," I muttered to myself.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you guys will finally get the chance to go on your first date soon." Sophia reassured me.

2 minutes later we arrived at my house. I carried the bags inside with a frown on my face. "What's with the face?"

"Shit!" I exclaimed. My brother popped his head over the side of the couch, pausing whatever movie he was watching. "What are you doing home? I thought you went back to college already."

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