Chapter 15: Aren't you supposed to be smart?

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I don't completely hate Parker anymore.

The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, faster than I could run, which wasn't very fast. This hadn't occurred to me until now.

Don't get me wrong, I still strongly dislike the guy, but I don't hate him anymore. These last couple weeks of working on the project together, hanging out with our friends, and this last night showed me that he is capable of being a good person.

It may be buried very, very, very deep but he has a conscience. He still annoys me to no end, teases me daily, and makes me want to rip out by hair by it's roots, but I've realized there's more to him than that. I could tell that he cared about his friends and was a good guy to them, and to his family.

He may want everyone to think he was this cool player type guy that could pull any girl (or guy for that matter), but that was all a front for the giant teddy bear that was hidden underneath.

This doesn't mean I'll start being nice to him, or even be friends with him though. That would be a cold day in hell before that ever happened.

Realizing I probably looked like a creep staring at him, I focused back on the waffles I was making. I didn't want them to burn because I was starving and they smelled really good. Plus, I didn't want Scottie to get the wrong idea if he saw me staring at Parker.

Speaking of Scottie, we had been texting a little these last few weeks, but not much. We've also only hung out by ourselves one other time besides that one time weeks ago.

I wasn't bothered though, because I knew we were both super busy right now. Scottie has work and football and I had school projects to focus on. I think he was also scared I would get injured again, considering how clumsy I've been lately.

It was pretty sweet of him to think of me though. And when we texted, he seemed like a different person. He said things that sometimes seemed like flirty things Parker would say, which makes sense since they are friends.

He was always complimenting me and encouraging me on whatever I was doing. I just wished I could know if he liked me back or not.

It was hard to tell with him. He acts this nice to all his friends, so of course I'm unsure.

"Uhm Blaze?"

I drifted out of my thoughts and over to where Sophia was staring at me. "What?" I asked. She pointed at the food in front of me. "Shit!" I hissed. In the midst of my daydreaming, I had burnt the waffles.

Ugh! This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Now I would have nothing to eat, and my friends would make fun of me for eternity.

I quickly took the waffles off the pan and placed them on a plate. Grabbing the thing nearest to me (a towel) I swatted at the rising smoke. "Can someone help me please?" I pleaded.

Everyone was laughing at me for getting distracted. Apparently they had already finished cooking their food and we're all waiting on me. "Jerks," I grumbled when no one made a move to help me.

"Here, let me help." Scottie reached over and took the waffles from me and went to toss them in the trash, but before he could do it Parker grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"You're just going to throw away perfectly good waffles like that?"

I looked at him in disgust. "They're burnt," I said slowly, trying to get it through his thick skull. "They won't taste good. No one in their right mind would eat anything burnt, which is why he's throwing them away," I explained.

Instead of answering me he grabbed one of the waffles (with his dirty hands) and shoved it in his mouth. "Ish tashtes fine," mumbled through the food. I gave him another look of disgust and quickly threw the rest away before he could eat them.

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