Chapter 5: The dare that started it all pt. 2

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"I dare you to kiss Parker."

I stared at Arabella in shock. I had to kiss Parker? I'm sure my mouth was hanging open as my brain tried to process what she just said. "Me? Kiss Parker? The guy I've hated since kindergarten? You must be crazy," I scoffed at her. I don't know what Parker has told his friends, but it's pretty obvious that I hate him and he hates me.

All the pranks and yelling and arguments should've clued them in.

Everyone else watched with excitement, except for Parker of course. He just looked pissed. "Suit yourself, but if you don't do it you have to take a shot of tequila," she replied as she started preparing the alcohol. "Wait!" I exclaimed.

I really didn't feel like drinking right now. God knows what happened the last time I got drunk (which was an accident btw). On the other hand, I really didn't want to kiss Parker either. In the end, I chose the option with the least consequences. "I'll kiss him," I mumbled.

Parker's eyes widen slightly while the rest of the group broke out in cheers and whistles. Scottie looked indifferent.

This is going to look so bad. Here I am about to kiss Parker, when the guy I like is sitting 2 feet away. And the worst part is, he didn't seem to care. People around us started chanting kiss as we turned to face each other.

"Do we really have to do this?" Parker whispered. "Yes! I don't want to drink, and maybe this will make Scottie realize that other guys want me too," I whispered just before our lips touched.

You know how in books and movies whenever the girl and the guy kiss, sparks fly and fireworks go off in the distance, while butterflies erupt in the girls stomach and tingles go up her spine? Well, this kiss was nothing like that. I felt nothing, not even the smallest spark. I felt nothing except disgust when we kissed.

It felt like Parker's mouth was attacking mine, and I hated it. Someone called time, and we pulled apart immediately. I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my hoodie. Parker didn't really do anything, he just kinda smiled and laughed with the rest of his friends, although there was one small, microscopic change in his attitude.

He was laughing with his friends, but he wasn't looking any of them in the eye. He's obviously mad at them for making us kiss, and I kind of am too. But it's part of the game, so I just let it go and reached to spin the bottle.

With my luck, it landed on Scottie. "Dare." Trying to think of something cool, but coming up empty handed, I ended up daring him to dunk his head in the toilet. And the game went on like that for another hour. Almost everyone picked dared, except for me and Emma. We were both too chicken to pick dare. I didn't want a repeat of what happened last time.

Someone dared Andrew to eat a spoonful of mustard and barbeque. There was also some dares that involved jumping in the pool and chugging various liquids.

Eventually, we all got tired of the game and moved on to a very intense game of hide and go seek tag. Since the house was huge, the game went on for a little while before anybody was found. Arabella was the first one found, so once we all gathered back in the living room she started counting.

Everyone took off running, determined to not be found. I ran up the stairs to the second floor, looking behind me every few seconds to make sure no one was following me. Last thing I needed was someone giving away my position.

If you couldn't tell, I'm a very competitive person.

On the second floor, there was a long hallway with at least 10 doors leading to different rooms. I noticed that the first door on my left was locked, so I kept walking.

Eventually, I decided on the last door at the very end. It was empty except for a bed in the middle of the room and a dresser opposite it. I saw that in the corner there was a door and I opened it to see if there was a place to hide inside. A bunch of fur coats was all I found.

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