Chapter 17: I don't hate her anymore pt. 2

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She stuck her tongue out at me and continued to play her game. Rolling my eyes, I directed my attention back to the screen and turned the volume all the way up.


I sat there watching the rest of a random show I found, ignoring my little sister. She was very loud when she played games.

Within a few seconds of the show ending, my phone buzzed. Picking it up, I saw that I had a notification from Scottie asking if he could come over. I told him yeah, since I wasn't doing anything right now.

I was in the kitchen getting a snack when he arrived.

"I have to talk to you about something," he said, barging into the kitchen. "What?"I asked. I reached for a bag of chips, but Scottie slapped my hand away. "Dude, it's football season right now, no unhealthy foods remember? Anyways, it's about Blaze."

Ignoring his instructions, I grabbed the chips anyways and started snacking. "What about her?" I thought we had already made the plan a couple days ago on what he was going to do at the Halloween Festival.

"Well I was so excited that Blaze said yes, I wasn't paying attention and I spilled water all over our plan and I don't have it memorized. Can you help me text her to see what she likes? I know you helped me with that list on Thursday."

This doesn't surprise me. I told him that something like this would happen, but he promised me he would remember everything. I guess not.

And the only reason I'm helping him is because he's too scared to talk to her best friends. He thinks they'll tattle on him. Hence why he comes to me. I'm the only person besides Sophia and Stephen who knows what Blaze likes and dislikes.

It wasn't by choice though. Throughout all our years of teasing each other, pulling silly pranks, and fighting, I've learned what makes her tick. I had to in order to get revenge for pranks she pulled on me.

I couldn't plant a spider in her locker if I knew that she thought they were cute for god knows what reason. I couldn't put peaches in her food since she was allergic to them and I could kill her doing that.

It was completely on accident learning all this about her, but nevertheless I know her pretty well.

"Wait! Didn't you make an extra copy? You said something along the lines of 'you'll probably fuck this up, so I made an extra in case.' Where is it?" Scottie asked.

"I don't know, I think I lost it." Scottie glared at me, but shrugged it off soon after. "What do you want me to text her?" I asked.

Scottie was a pussy, he was too scared to text Blaze himself so he always had me doing it. I always got annoyed when he made me do it, because I had better things to do, but he kept promising me that soon he wouldn't need me. And like a fool, I believed him.

"Actually, doing it over text might be suspicious. Why don't you invite her over here to work on your guy's project and you can ask then?" he replied.

"And me asking her over here won't be any less suspicious? Please, I'm not doing that. Plus, I never told her this house was actually mine. She thinks it's yours."

"What!?" Scottie exclaimed. "Why would you do that?"

"Because," I started, "any time people find out just how rich I am or where I live, they always try to use me and I'm tired of it."

"Oh," he mumbled. We've talked about this a little before, but not much. I don't like to talk about my personal life.

"I can do it tomorrow at school though, if you want," I offered. "YES! That would be great! Thank you so much! I owe you one."

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