Chapter 30: Will he be okay?

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Blaze's POV:

The moment I got the phone call, it felt like my heart dropped to my feet. Scottie and I were out looking for Parker when we got the phone call.

We had gone to his house (the one we went to back in the beginning of this year), his favorite food place, and even the local indoor pool because apparently that's where he went to cool off.

We were both extremely tired and extremely worried about him. I had no idea where he was or if he was safe, and that scared me. I didn't want anything to happen to him.

Scottie and I had just gotten back in the car from looking for him at another place when his phone rang. He answered immediately, hoping it was Parker who called him.

Well, he was half right.

It was Parker's phone calling him, but it was not Parker on the other end. It was a nurse at St. Mary's Hospital, a hospital only a couple minutes away from where we were currently.

Apparently, Parker had been driving drunk, and speeding when he crashed into a tree. The police aren't sure if it was on purpose or accident, but either way he was in a very serious condition.

The crash had knocked him unconscious and unresponsive. One of his ribs broke and punctured his lung while the glass from the windows shattered all over him, giving him cuts all over. The worst of it, however, was his head.

The crash had knocked him out, but there was more damage than they initially thought. All the force caused something to rupture in his brain and caused it to bleed, causing serious problems. I don't really understand all the science of it, but I do know that he's now in a coma because of it.

And the worst part was, it was all my fault.

We rode in silence on our way to the hospital, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking that. I was the one who had caused him to storm out angry, to get drunk in the first place.

If I had just never approached him, if I had left him alone, then maybe he wouldn't be on the brink of death right now.

"Blaze," Scottie whispered.

I looked over at him and saw the bright lights behind him, telling me that we were at the hospital already. As fast as I could, I hopped out of the car and ran inside, eager to see how Parker was.

I almost ran into a nurse carrying a tray of pills on my way in.

The man working the desk where you go to find out information about patients was startled when I ran up, demanding to know what room Parker was in. Poor guy dropped his coffee all over himself.

I don't feel bad, the only thing on my mind right now is making sure Parker is okay.

"Listen girl, if you would calm down I could tell you what room he's in." He looked at me like I was crazy.

I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself before responding to him.

"I'm sorry, I just really need to know what room he's in. I have to make sure he's okay," I said shakily, trying not to cry. Scottie was standing right next to me, rubbing comforting circles on my back.

I'm sure he was just as upset as I was, but he was holding it in better. But, no matter how good he held in the pain, I could see it in his eyes. It was written all over them.

He was scared he was going to lose his best friend.

"Where is he?" I heard a lady shouting.

Turning around, I was bombarded by Parker's mother and father running towards us, the rest of their kids trailing behind.

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