Chapter 39: Oh, it's on!

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Parker and I were currently in his kitchen attempting to make waffles from scratch. Key word being attempted.

Neither one of us knows how to make them, and I'm not the best person to work with in the kitchen. Last time I made eggs I burned them, I don't know how, but I did.

Anyways, Parker has been trying to convince me for the last 10 minutes to give up on the waffles and just watch a movie while we cuddle on the couch together. He wiggled his eyebrows all stupidly at me, and I rolled my eyes when I realized what he was hinting at.

He said if I didn't at least watch the movie with him, I wouldn't get any more chicken nuggets from him, which I think should get him placed in jail for attempted murder by deprivation of chicken nuggets.

"Come on you can't do that! It's not fair!"

"Want to bet?" Parker smirked at me as he slowly walked forward, cornering me against the kitchen counter. He put his hands on the counter on either side of me, effectively trapping me in.

I tried wiggling out, but he was pressed up against me, so it was impossible to move. It also doesn't help that he's over a foot taller than me. He was still smirking down at me like he knew he was going to win, but I had noticed something when I was trying to find an escape.

An open cartoon of eggs laid only a few inches from my fingers, and if I stretched my fingers enough, I was able to reach them.

In order to distract Parker, I did the only thing I could think of: I kissed him.

Whatever he was planning on doing, he immediately abandoned that idea and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling us even closer. I wrapped one of my hands around strands of his hair and tugged a little, causing him to moan into my mouth.

I shudder wrecked through me, and it took all the self control I had to stay focused on the task at hand. When he bit my bottom lip asking for permission, I knew I had him right where I wanted.

Without any warning, I pulled away and smashed the egg on top of his head, where I had just been playing with his hair.

Parker's eyes widened the tiniest bit as he looked up at me trying to look mad. His mouth kept twitching up at the corners, a dead give away that he wasn't actually mad. In fact, his eyes had a hint of pride in them.

It was cute that he tried to hide it.

A smile made it's way onto my lips as I stared Parker down. God, I missed this. Arguing, or rather fake arguing, with Parker gives me life, as weird as that sounds. It's never boring when I'm with him.

While he was distracted by the egg, I grabbed another one, smashed it across his cheek, and took off running, and ran right up the stairs. "Oh, it's on!" I heard him shout after me. Since I knew he was way faster than me, I hid in the first place I found, which was behind the couch in his living room.

And I kid you not, I had to hold back the loudest snort/laugh combination, because Parker ran by my spot not once, not twice, but five times looking for me. He was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

My stomach was clenching from holding in my laughter, my knees were starting to hurt from crouching for so long, and I had the sudden urge to go pee.

How come whenever I hid from someone I always had the urge to go pee? Oh, whatever, that's not important right now.

At one point, he slipped on the tile floor near the front door, and banged his elbow on the ground. I felt a little bad, but it was so funny that I started laughing, and couldn't control it anymore.

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