Chapter 6: I will choke you with my boot

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Sophia arrived exactly ten minutes later carrying a giant bag in her arms. "What's all this?" I asked. "You didn't think I was going to let you go hang out with Scottie looking like that did you?"

I looked down and examined my current. Given that I just woke up not to long ago, I was still in a baggy t-shirt and a random pair of shirts that I'm pretty sure have a spaghetti stain on them. "I just woke up a little bit ago, give me a break."

She plopped her bag down on my bed and began to dig through it. "So what's in that bag anyways? A body?"

Sophia did not look amused by my little joke. "This is not funny. Your supposed to be hanging out with Scottie today and as your best friend it's my duty to make you look presentable. Now come here and try some of these outfits on."

Once again I was amazed by my best friend.

She had managed to fit 5 different outfits in that bag along with almost her entire make-up collection.

"Which one do you think Scottie will like best? I want to impress him," I replied as I looked over all the outfits.

There was a yellow sundress, a pair of shorts with a crop top, ripped jeans and a tank top, another sundress but blue, and a light pink blouse with a cute white skater skirt.

I suddenly remembered what Parker had said about the type of clothes Scottie likes. He likes the more revealing ones, hence the reason I wore that ridiculous outfit last night. The pink shirt and white skirt was the most revealing but comfy looking so I picked it up and went into my closet to change.

When I came back out, I heard Sophia gasp. "What? What's wrong? Do I look ridiculous? I knew I shouldn't have worn this. Don't worry I'll go change right-"

"Blaze," she interrupted me. "Yes?" I asked skeptically. "Go look in the mirror." She pushed me over to the mirror that was on the back of my bedroom door.

My heart stopped for a good 5 seconds when I saw my reflection. "I.."

"Look good! Damn!"

The skirt made my legs look really long and tan, while giving off the illusion that I had a small waist. The blouse made me look pretty, but not overly cute. "I'm a genius!" Sophia exclaimed. "Now let's get your hair and make up done before it's time to go."

Since I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard, Sophia only straightened my hair and added some mascara and lip gloss to me. When she finished, I looked in the mirror again.

And again I was surprised by how good I looked. Damn, I need to stop underestimating myself. I was actually really pretty and had a good body no matter what anyone else said. Maybe I should start dressing like this more often.

I grabbed a pair of tan sandals from my closet and headed to the living room to wait for Scottie to come.

While we were waiting, I got a text from Parker.

Dumbfuck: What are you doing right now?

Me: I'm about to go out with a friend. Why?

DF: I just wanted to know if you wanted to work on our project some more. We still don't have any ideas since our last study session didn't end well.

Me: Yeah, and who's fault was that?

DF: Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to prank you. It's not that deep. Now, when can we work on our project again?

Me: Monday after school at 4, don't be late or I will throw a book at your face.

I turned my phone face down so I didn't see what Parker texted me next.

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