Chapter 26: She was talking about her dog, again

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After lunch, we all went our separate ways to class. My next class didn't have any of my friends, but I was fine with that.

It was one of those classes you took for an easy A. The teacher never noticed if I was sleeping or on my phone in class, she really didn't care. She only cared about getting paid so she could by clothes for her dog.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure all the teachers at my school are weird. I have yet to meet a semi-normal one. Other schools have teachers who buy pizza for their students when they do a good job on a test and others who help their students outside of class too.

Imagine having a teacher who actually care, couldn't be my school.

I did nothing that entire class accept day dream about Halloween. It was in a week and a half and I still didn't have a costume.

Traditionally, Stephen, Sophia, and I would dress up in a group costume and got to a haunted house or hand out candy to little trick-or-treaters, but I'm not sure if we're doing that this year. I thought I heard something about them wanting to go to a party, but I was blocking them out because I was trying to study for a test.

I was thinking about going as a Belle from the Beauty and the Beast, but I wasn't sure. It would be hard to find a dress that I could move around in and looked beautiful.

Most of the ones I found online were for little kids or were to poufy. I wanted to wear a big ball gown style dress, but that would be too fancy for just handing out candy to kids.

Maybe I can get my cousin to make one for me, I thought.

My cousin, Chandler, is a fashion designer in New York, and he creates some of the best clothes I've ever seen, and it just so happens that dresses are his specialty.

I should probably be focusing in class, but this teacher was so boring. I think she was going on a rant about how her dog wasn't allowed in some restaurant. Eh, not very entertaining.

When the bell rang, I was all too glad to get out of there. Gathering my books in one hand and my backpack in the other,  sprinted out of there like my life depended on it. On my way to history, however, I bumped into Parker.

"Hey," he bent down to help me pick up my books that spilled on the floor after our collision. I really need to start watching where I'm going.

"Why are you in a rush?" he asked me.

"I thought I was going to die from boredom in my last class. I needed to get out of there as fast as possible, she was talking about her dog, AGAIN."

I heard him laugh. "Yeah,  had her last year, and let me tell you, it never gets any better. If anything, it gets worse. Especially when it's holiday season, I sweat to god all she does is talk about what she wants to dress her dog up as next. Sometimes it can be entertaining, but usually it's just boring and sad."

"Wow, I didn't know you had her last year. How come you never told me?" I feel like that would've came up in at least one of our conversations by now.

"It never came up," he shrugged.

I don't really know why I asked that, I guess I was curious for some reason.

God, I was so awkward.

Our conversation was over after that, but not in a bad or awkward way. Despite me asking the dumbest question ever, we walked to history together in comfortable silence. I liked this, it felt comfortable.

Our history teacher wasn't there when we arrived, but half of the class was. We took our usual seats and I pulled out a notebook while Parker pulled out his phone and started texting someone.

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