Chapter 34: Just spit it out

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Parker's POV:

When we got back to my hospital room, I noticed the doctor standing outside my door talking to a nurse while writing something down on his clipboard. I took Blaze's arm and put it around my shoulder, ignoring the feeling that grew in my stomach.

"Act like you just helped me to the bathroom," I whispered to her. That was how we walked up to the doctor. Me, limping and acting like I'm in a lot of pain (which is sort of true), and Blaze, helping me walk while trying not to smile.

I'm glad this is so amusing to you, I thought. I was hoping and praying the doctor hadn't seen us outside, or else we were screwed. Luckily, though, I don't think he did, because the first thing he asked when he saw us approaching was "Where were you? I was just about to come in and give you your medicine."

"Oh, uhm, I had to go to the bathroom and my mother was in mine so I had to go to a different one. Blaze over here happened to be in the room and offered to help me."

He looked between us suspiciously. "And this couldn't wait 2 minutes for your mother to get out."

"Nope," I replied, smiling in what I hope made me look completely innocent. "She actually had to leave right after she got out, so if you have any questions for her, I can call her."

"No that's fine," the doctor shrugged. "I don't need to see her at the moment."

We walked back into my room and Blaze helped me into the bed as we shared a knowing look with each other. My eyes never left hers as she sat down next to me and watched as I took the  pills the doctor gave me and swallowed them.

I think the doctor didn't 100% believe us about where we went, but he didn't question it. Meanwhile, I was doing my best to not smile or laugh. Every time I look at Blaze, it reminds me of what we were doing earlier.

There's just something about a shared secret that makes everything 100x funnier.

I could see that Blaze was trying not to laugh as well. I got that feeling again in the pit of my stomach. That loopy, I feel like I'm high on drugs feeling. Just looking at her made me feel better.

God, I sound like such a cheesy, cliché guy, but it's true. Whenever she smiles at me, it's like my whole world gets brighter. I really don't know how I didn't notice it until this year.

The way her eyes sparkle when she is focusing on something she loves. Every time I get upset about something, all I have to do is think about her and I feel better. She makes me happier than I have the words to explain.

I wish I could hug her right at this moment and declare my love for her for the whole world to hear, but I can't.

I can't because she's dating my best friend. I know I shouldn't have feelings for her, and trust me I've tried not to, but feelings can not be controlled.

I thought I would have a chance at first. I mean, I knew she liked Scottie, but I thought that since he didn't like her back she might change her mind and fall for me, but boy was I wrong.

Turns out, Scottie has had a crush on her this entire time too.

His reasoning for not telling me was that he knew I hated her and didn't want me to hate him too for liking her. And the thing is, he's not wrong. I probably would've gotten very mad at him and not talked to him for at least 2 weeks if he had told me.

But on the other hand, I wished I could've reversed time and made him tell me at the beginning of the year. It would've saved me from all the pain, and I probably wouldn't have gotten in the car crash.

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