Chapter 36: He, sorta, told me already

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Blaze's POV:

Scottie was acting weird, like really weird.

Ever since 2 days ago, he's been acting really strange. Now, I don't know what went down that day, but the only thing I know is that he visited Parker in the hospital and ever since then he's been distant.

I've tried to ask him why, but anytime I bring it up, he shrugs me off and walks away. It's super frustrating that he is supposed to be my boyfriend yet he won't come to me when something's wrong.

He needs to know he can talk to me, about whatever it is that happened 2 days ago.

I was currently devising a plan on how to get him to talk to me. So far, I had come up with a list with 5 ideas on it, but none of them seemed good enough.

Ideas to get my boyfriend to stop being an Idiot and talk to me:

1-Corner him at school and don't let him leave until he tells me

2-Get someone to "kidnap" him and as ransom demand an answer

Okay, the second one is slightly illegal, but hey, I'm a desperate girl.

3-Pretend I'm Parker and text Scottie asking what's wrong and trick him into telling me

4-Leave a hidden camera in his room and spy on what he's doing to reveal himself

5-Hire a hitman to torture it out of him


I slammed my head against my desk in frustration. Immediately, I rubbed my forehead. I was an idiot that would probably be walking around with a bruise on my forehead tomorrow.

I knew none of these ideas were going to work, but my brain was in off mode right now since it's a Saturday and I don't have school. I can only think of good ideas during the week.

Sighing, I crumpled the piece of paper and threw it in my trash can yelling "Kobe" but missed it completely and groaned again.

Great, now I have to get up and throw it away. I really didn't want to get up. My desk chair was super comfy. I stuck my leg out trying to reach the paper with my foot, but had no luck. I stretched as far as I could, almost falling off my chair in the process, but still couldn't reach it.

Reluctantly, I stood up from the spot at my desk, and stretched my back before walking the 3 feet to my trash can and throwing the stupid piece of paper away.

On my way back, I miscalculated a step and tripped on a stray pair of shorts I forgot to throw in my hamper last night. I slammed my chin on the floor and a metallic taster entered my mouth.

Great, I rolled my eyes.

 This day was not going well for me. With the rest of my dignity I managed to scrape off the floor, I dragged myself over to my bed and hopped under my covers deciding that a nap would do me good.

Just as I was about to drift off into dreamland, there was a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I grumbled.

"Albert Einstein, now open up." My brother didn't bother for me to tell him to come in, he just walked in on his own. "Just walk right in won't you?" I muttered sarcastically from under the covers.

"I would've waited for you to let me in, but I had a feeling you wouldn't. Now, are you going to tell me why I just heard a bunch of loud bangs come from your room or are you going to ignore me and stay under your covers?" I could feel his stare through the sheets.

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