Chapter 31: He's Awake

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"Can I get a cheeseburger with no tomatoes?" I asked the cashier, handing him a 10 dollar bill.

"Sure, and what would you like to drink with that?"

"Uhm, just a small Coke." The guy taking my order at the register nodded his head, handed me a cup for my drink, and walked back into the kitchen.

This was a pretty small restaurant, and it wasn't super busy, so I guess he was working both spots. Anyways, I took my cup and filled it with the soda I wanted before taking a seat at a nearby booth.

I was tempted to pull out my phone and start playing Angry Birds, but I didn't feel like playing games right now.

I was at a small fast food place a couple of blocks from the hospital Parker is staying in.

It's now been 5 days since his accident, and it's been the worst 5 days of my life. I've made sure to visit him every day and talk to him, even if it was only for a little bit. Scottie and his other friends have gone a couple times, but besides his parents, I am there the most.

Some days I would just sit in silence and pray for him to wake up and have a speedy recovery, while others I would sit next to him and work on my homework.

It was currently 7 pm on a Wednesday night and I was waiting for my food to be ready so I could head back to the hospital. I didn't like leaving him unattended. Yes, his parents were there, but they had to work tonight.

It was the least I could do since I caused this whole mess.

My life has been not very fun since the accident. I'm always worrying about if Parker will pull through, if he'll wake up when I'm not there, and it's starting to effect my relationships.

My friends are supportive, which isn't a surprise since we share the same friend group, but my parents and Scottie are a different story.

My parents, mainly my dad, still hold a grudge against his parents. Although, I guess it's not nearly as bad as it was before. My mom has started to come around. She even sent an "I'm sorry" gift basket to Parker's house.

Even if she does not get along with his parents, she would never wish ill on someone else's child.

Scottie, on the other hand, has been more distant lately. I don't even know why. You would think with his best friend in the hospital he would lean on his girlfriend for support, but no, he's been ignoring me the last 2 days.

It's been eating away at me, and I want to know why. I haven't done anything wrong, at least nothing I can think of.

My food came while I was devising a way I could corner Scottie and ask him why he's been acting so weird.

I scarfed it down so fast to the point where I almost choked on it, then rushed back over to the hospital. Visiting hours were going to be over soon and I wanted to see Parker again really quick before I had to go home.

His parents were just arriving when I rushed in.

"Hello, Blaze. You've come to see our son again?" His mother asked me.

"Yeah, if that's alright with you. But if you want some alone time with him, I totally understand. I can leave right now," I rushed, heading back to the door.

Surprisingly, it was his father who stopped me.

"No, we want you here. I think having you here will really help Parker," he said, motioning to their son.

"Me?" I mumbled. "How?"

They both gave me a pointed look. Yeah, I know. It's because he loves me and I make him happy blah, blah, blah. Part of me wishes I didn't have to keep thinking about this, but I knew I would have to confront it sooner or later.

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