Chapter 35: Just spit it out (Scottie's POV)

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Author's Note: This chapter is probably going to be half as long as normal chapters, so sorry for that, but I wanted you guys to see the scene from Scottie's perspective.

Anyways, enjoy this chapter!

Scottie's POV:

I hopped on my car and turned the key to start the engine. I was currently on my way to visit Parker in the hospital. I haven't visited him lately and I feel guilty for it, so I decided to just man up and go.

After I was avoiding him because I feared that I would say something about him and Blaze that I would end up regretting, but now I realize I'm wrong.

If something was going on with them (which it isn't), Parker would've told me.

Anyways, since I was feeling guilty and wanted to make it up to Parker, I stopped and got some Freddie's before heading over. I know damn well that my best friend is probably sick of that shitty hospital food.

Plus, he'd never be able to say no to his favorite burger joint. It's like giving crack to a crackhead.

I turned on the heated seats on the passenger side so I could set the food down and it wouldn't get cold by the time I got to the hospital.

It only took me 20 minutes to get there, but cold fries are gross fries, so I kept them warm as best I could.

When I got to the hospital, I parked my car a little bit away from the main entrance and hopped out, grabbing the food before I locked my car.

Nobody paid me any mind as I strolled in, carrying a bag of delicious smelling food with me. That surprised me a tiny bit. I always thought hospitals were supposed to be uptight about bringing in outside food and beverage. At least to patients anyways.

"Hi, I'm here to see Parker Knight?" I told the lady working the front desk.

"Yes, his physical therapy ended not too long ago, but he should be awake. Here is the visitor badge. Remember, visiting hours are over at 9 pm for non-family members."

"Yeah I know. Thank you!" I waved goodbye to the lady at the desk as I stuck the visitor badge to the the upper left part of my shirt.

I don't think I would be here that long, but it was probably just regulation that she tells everyone who visits.

I didn't bother knocking as I walked in, because I figured that the smell of the food had already made it's way over to Parker.

With one hand, I slid his tray over so it was covering his lap and set down the food along with a bottle of water I had gotten him. "Thought you could use a little pick me up," I said as I arranged the food.

"Thanks man. I was getting tired of the shit they call food here. I mean honestly, you would think with all the money this hospital has they could spring for better food, but no. The food here is still ass."

"Any day."

I dug out the bag with the fries and handed it to Parker as we started talking. There was a rumor, well it was a rumor so it happened but you get what I'm trying to say.

"Yeah, apparently the girl went batshit crazy and yelled at the teacher and everything. Apparently, so even threatened to track down his wife and kids and slit their throats."

I saw Parker's eyes bulge out of their sockets and I bit back a laugh. He started choking on his food and I patted his back like I was burping a baby. His face was growing redder by a second and I was really struggling not to laugh at this point.

"Thanks. Did she really say that? I hope the cops arrested her ass. I'm no trying to accidently come across her and get everyone I know killed."

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