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[Boom boom boy giving birth!!!]

Izuku's POV

I think that's all I need, don't want my lovely Omega getting upset.
Kacchan should be giving birth in a couple of days, so I was excited. Today seemed peaceful and quiet, as I passed by a small family I waved and they greeted me back. I walked past them and smiled wickedly at their discomfort. See the reason why I couldn't stay in Musutafu is because of the fact that people actually know me. So better to start somewhere new. I don't even live in Tokyo, just the outskirts. I was on my way to my teleporting point when something didn't feel right to me. This street is way too quiet. Maybe a party somewhere else? When I got to the building I didn't see the one guy from the neighborhood there. Something was definitely wrong. As I was about to scope the area with a quirk the guy came out of the corner, whistling. I let out a relieved sigh, ran up to him, grabbing him by the collar. Once he realized it was me his heart dropped, his face showed complete despair.
"You had one job, just one. Stay here, call me if there's a person who you don't recognize going into the building. Not that hard."
"S-s-sorry s-sir, I-t wo-n't happen a-again!" I stared into his soul and placed him down.
"You're lucky I'm in a good mood" he let out a sigh of relief. "But if that ever happens again, I'll twist and turn your families mind to the point of no return. Trust me, it won't be a pretty process" he nods in fear and gave him a smile. "Have a nice day" I walked up the stairs and walked into the building. Something thin pressed against my ankle and before I had time to move, I've been shot. Why do I keep letting my guard down? A little blow dart was in my chest, I looked up to see a familiar face smirking at me. Well shit.

Kirishima's POV

When he collapsed it was the happiest day of my life. I got permission to turn him in from headquarters so I set up my little trap. Honestly, I thought he would have caught me, but I guess I caught him by surprise. I walked up to him, he looked up.
"Found you, at last. You're going to pay for what you've done" I wanted to kill him, I didn't care if I lived or died in the process. As long as he's dead. But I tried my best to keep calm, squatted down, took out the syringe from my pocket, and injected it into his neck.
"If I did this First then you would have time to run away. We don't want that, do we?" He rolled his eyes, he could speak so why isn't he? He began to dose off.
"Don't worry, we'll find Dynamite soon" he smirked and gave me one last mocking look before knocking out.
"... Tch"

*couple hours later*

"Is he talking?"
"No..." Mina stared into the room, behind the 2-way mirror. She looked sick and disgusted.

"Do you admit killing the 849 people?"
"You just want to know those? Is that all you found?" Now he's just getting cocky. I could already tell this was going to be hard. So, I'm going to have to call in the big guns.

*The next day*

I walked into the lobby to only be tackled into a hug.
"Hello, big brother!!!"
"Hey, wow have you grown taller?" She nodded in excitement.
"Momma says I've grown an extra inch!!!"
"That's great"
"Thank you for calling us"
"Of course. Who better to take out the truth than his mother and aunt themselves?" They smiled and followed me to the observation room. Misari wore headphones and watched something on her mother's phone. As we listened and watched Midoriya.
1 day later and we still can't get him to talk. Even his ex-family tried, nothing. Every time we would try to get him to talk about Dynamite he would go into an insane laughing fit. I close the door behind me, walked to the table, and sat down.
"Hello~" His insane green eyes stared into mine. "How are you?" I didn't respond, just looked through his files. He continued trying to talk to me but I could hear the anger in his words.
"You know Kiri Iー" I looked up, he was staring at the table in horror. It was genuine fear, but where did it come from?

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